2 • Adrien

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I glance at Natalie,
"Is dad home?" I ask, even though I knew that I shouldn't even bother to keep my hopes up.
"He doesn't come back until 11pm." She informed, dipping her head formally.
I sigh and glance down at my shoes, making my way back to my enormous bedroom.
Why couldn't I just have a normal life, with two loving parents and a world that was more fair?
Plagg flies out of my bag, knocking my maths test out on the way.
"Is there any Camembert left? I'm starving!!" he mumbles, his green eyes almost glowing in the darkness of my room.
I just stare blankly at the test that was now sitting on the mattress.
As usual.
"What? Did I do something wrong??" Plagg asked, seeming to be irritated by my carelessness, " Camembert please!!!"
I throw a piece towards him. He flew up to it and caught it in his mouth mid-air, then settled back to munch on it, making a disgusting racket of swallowing as he did so.
I need some fresh air.
"We're going outside. Plagg! Claws out!"
I felt the familiar leather envelope me as my kwami reluctantly got sucked into the ring with a yelp.
I raced through the rooftops of Paris, taking in all the bright and beautiful lights that shone in the dark as I sped up to the Eiffel Tower. I enjoyed the cool air of the night, breathing it in deeply as I stretched myself as far as I could, going faster than ever and claiming distance easily.
I didn't bother using my baton to get up the tower, finding it better for myself to swing up and stretch my muscles a bit. Finally reaching up to a certain height, satisfied with myself, I settled down upon the large metal beam supporting the iron structure, and looked over the streets of my beloved city. I let out a long breath, not at all out of exhaustion, but more in loneliness.
It didn't help that by being alone, my thoughts were starting to crowd in on me, and threatening to overwhelm myself if I couldn't keep them in check. It was just all too much, and it would've helped if I could share this with someone, anyone. But I knew I couldn't confine in ladybug, because it would give away my identity, and I couldn't tell any of my friends at school because... Well I didn't really know why, but it just didn't feel right. Even so, my thoughts just happened to keep on wondering back to ladybug.
"I wish ladybug was here..." I murmur to myself.
"And your wish just came true," a sweet voice rang out from behind me.
I turned around to find ladybug standing up and walking towards me.
"Well, hello M'lady! " I say, as casually as I could, shrugging off all my melancholy thoughts and putting on my best nonchalant charming smile.
"So, I just realised Paris has been quite quiet these couple of days." she says, sitting herself down beside me. She didn't really seem to notice my mood from earlier, which I was glad for, but she seemed to be in one herself.
I could feel a blush run over my cheeks, and was thankful that the night concealed it, because now was perhaps not the best time to be falling head-over-heels with her. She was hugging her knees and her eyes glazed over as she stared over the city, just as I had done a few seconds ago earlier. The faint golden light from the streetlights and cars glittered in her bluebell eyes, hiding their usual colour.
An awkward silence slowly developed as I continued to study her.
"Well..." I started, and suddenly seemed to break ladybug out of her little silence cocoon. "What brings you here on this uneventful night m'lady?"
She glanced at me with a grin, but it was tight around the corners. "What if I were to say that I was invited to a celebration, but I wasn't allowed to go? But then a friend comes in and tells me that I could sneak off to it behind the-people-who-didn't-allow-me-to-go's backs' and go anyway? Any advice?" She asked.
I was surprised. It was rare for her to confide with me in matters of her real identity outside the mask. "I guess, if you really did want to go to this celebration, then you should go, but if you didn't, then you don't. It's as simple as that. Go with what your heart says. It's almost always more correct than what your head decides for you."
Ladybug stared at me with something that resembled understanding and awe. "I guess."
I looked away from her, not being able to fully meet her gaze.
She smiled at me.
I smiled back.
And there we were, smiling, and talking about some random subjects until almost 8pm.
As we ran out of things to talk about, and finally came to a conclusion, ladybug stood up and seemed to brush herself off. "Well, thank you for making my night eventful, but I have to go now, it's eight o'clock. I'm expected b ack at this point."
I glanced at Ladybug, "yeah, I guess I have to go now too."
She started walking off, balancing on the iron and throwing her yo-yo out until it caught onto something in the distance. As the string went taut, she was about to jump, but then I mustered up my courage and called to her.
"Wait!" I shout after her. She stops and turns her head around over her shoulder.
"What?" She asked, voice neutral.
I take a deep breath.
"Tell me ladybug, who are you really?"
"I'm your lady" she winks.
"You're never going to tell me, are you?" I said, sighing.
"No, it's not our destiny to know," she smiles, "at least, not yet."
Then she flew off into the night, and once again, I realise how badly I wanted to know who she was. That agile, beautiful, brave, confident and smart girl, who was many things, all at once.
I start head back to my own house as well, detransforming when I got there and lay on my bed, staring up at the roof and leaving myself to dwell on my thoughts.
Waiting for my dad to come home.

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Miraculous Ladybug: Destiny [UNDER SERIOUS EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now