21 • Adrien (UNEDITED)

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9 years ago...

'Hey Adrien! Look over here!' Chloe shouted, pointing to a little crystal-watered pond lying in the middle of the bright, summery green fields of Paris' park.
I turned my attention to her and ran, trying to cover the distance between us on small, short legs.
'What is it Chloe? What is it?' My voice used to be filled with joy, and tons of curiosity when I had asked that question.
'Look! There it is!'
I glanced in the direction which her index finger was pointing at, starting to slowly sink into a bobbing position.
There were two bright, shimmering fish. Swimming side-by side, each of the marine animals about the size of my hand. One glittered a vivid emerald green when the sparkling sunlight reflected of the shiny and rough surface of its scales, while the other flashed a brilliant amethyst.
'It's like you and me!' She smiles, giving small jumps of fiddle excitement, making the frilly bow on her lavender dress bob up and down with her high energy.
'I think I'm the green one!' I said, grinning a wide smile that was every bit as big as hers.
'Then I'm the purple! I loooooooovvvvveeeee purple!'
We watched the fish swim, always side-by-side, until an even smaller, undeniably vibrant red fish appeared out of nowhere, swimming towards the two pairs. The red fish just swam behind them for a while, as if wondering what to do next, but then it decides to swim to the vacant side of the first green fish, starting to swim along happily joining them into a trio.
'Hmmm...' Chloe thought, scratching her head, 'I know! How about Red? A name for the red fish!'
'Yeah!' I agree, still bright and optimistic.
As we watch, the purple fish suddenly breaks off from the rest, swimming separately to the others, until it heads into a small algae forest, then disappearing out of sight.
'Aww, doesn't Cassandra want to swim by the them any more?' I said, feeling slightly empathetic towards the little marine creature.
'Cassandra?' Chloe asks, raising an eyebrow.
'My choice of name for the fwish.' I answer, trying, but failing to pronounce "fish" correctly.
'Cassandra...' Chloe said, trying it out on her tongue, 'I like it! I wish I was called Cassandra, I don't like the name Chloe! My sister already has that name!'
I nodded along, 'I think Cassandra's a nice name too! It suits you better!'
'Thanks,' she blushed.
A small flurry of pattering wings tickled my face.
'And... Adrien! On your cheek! Yay! There's a purple butterfly! I adooooorrrrreeee butterflies!'
I felt for my cheek, the fluttering of wings fading, and replaced with a tiny ticklish weight on my hand. I held it towards Chloe, and she giggled in utter delight.
The sunlight, like the with the fish, bounced off the lightly powdered wings of the insect, a metallic range of purples, blues, greens, golds and reds shone in the light.
'Yeee! It's rainbow coloured!' I shrieked in joy.
A quiet brushing breeze started to pick up and the little butterfly started flapping its wings, and, as soon as it came, it went off into the air, leaving us with wondered faces of its beauty.
'Bye bye little butterfly!' Chloe called after it chasing after it slightly, before stopping at the very edge of the pond and waving a hand in goodbye.
'Yeah! Bye bye Monsieur Papillon!' I shouted not long after.

We were small then, naive.
We never knew the full danger of those four petty words.

'Bye bye Mr. Butterfly...'

Okay! There's the flashback you've all been waiting for! Anyways, 5 freaking k?!?! OMG thank you! I think I'm gonna go and have another heart attack. Goodbye! Oh, wait a sec, first, check out the video above! Is it bad that I'm hopelessly in love with the miraculous ladybug pv song?! It's soooooo amazing!

Miraculous Ladybug: Destiny [UNDER SERIOUS EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now