24 • Marinette (UNEDITED)

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I stared at her.
"Destiny's Secret?"
She nodded, tapping her nose twice with her index finger before giving me a sly wink.
"Long story short, I receive prophecies." She said, starting to walk past us towards the doorway. Nodding, Adrien let his transformation flow off and followed behind her, taking my hand in his.
The fresh, cold air smacked me in the face crisply, sharp and fresh after fighting inside the dark room. The trees bordered us on each side, and a small water fountain sat in the centre, still trickling down the curves of the structure, water falling with peaceful, quiet gurgling and tinkling. I sat on the edge, and Cassandra followed suite. Adrien perched on the cold stone next to me, and then, the silence fell into an uneasy awkwardness. Something I was very familiar with.
So I broke the silence.
"Are you really Chloe's sister? And why did your parents seriously name you after her?"
Cassandra looked up at me, a half-smile on her face, as if it was a funny, but sad and serious matter to not probe to far with it.
"Well yes, I really am Chloe's sister, and just saying, but say whatever you want about her, as long as it's not nice, I won't mime puking behind your back." She cracked a full smile now.
I grinned, so did Adrien.
"Well, am I glad to not be the only one!" I laughed, a slight sarcasm ringing my voice.
"I mean, for one, she is really rude, mean and selfishly self-centred."
Cassandra laughed at my statement, then clasped a hand over her heart dramatically in mock hurt.
"Oh no! I broke one of my perfectly manicured nails! Daaddddyyyy!!!!!" She burst into laughter around the end, her miming perfectly suiting Chloe.
"And your parents?" I asked, but then clamped my mouth shut, realising that this was more of a touchy subject.
She looked at me, and I was expecting her to snap at my rudeness of invading her privacy of her family issues, but instead, she just sighed.
"Well, my mother was quite dense, and my father..." She trailed off, her green eyes suddenly seeming darker, as if a incoming storm was approaching.
Out of habit, I looked around for Tikki's opinion.
Wait. Where was she?
I frowned.
"Uh, Cassandra, have you seen Tikki?" I asked, worry already creeping up my spine.
She frowned too, but then paused, and a smile crept over her face.
"Tikki, Plagg, come out, I can hear you talking about who to ship you know!"
No reply.
"Plagg, don't let me have to come over there and get you out myself!" She was shouting at the water fountain.
For a second, I thought she was loony. That akuma must've like, messed her mind up or something.
But then, there was a grouchy groan and a black head poked out from under the fall of the water, followed by a red one.
"Tikki!" I smiled, "don't scare me like that!"
"I can sense the kwami's auras. Pretty handy when you have to be the guardian of all seven of them." Cassandra leaned over to tickle Tikki's head, and she laughed her response.
"C-Cassandra!" Tikki's chided between fitful giggles.
"I also know all the kwami's 'weak points'." She quoted, then reached behind Adrien and pulled out a laughing Plagg, probably from her scratching under his chin.
Me and Adrien burst out laughing from the noticeable half-grimace, half-choking-with-laughter expression on his face.
Tikki was smiling as well.
Cassandra stopped tickling him after a while,
So we fell back into that awkward silence.
I looked up at Adrien again, who now had a slight frown on his face, deep in thought.
"What is it?" I asked, noticing that all eyes turned towards us.
"Well," he began, "you said you could sense the kwami's auras right?"
Cassandra nodded, but a knowing inscrutable look settled across her face.
"How much can you tell us about Hawkmoth?"
Her expression turned wary and fell.
"Well, Hawkmoth has two different powers."
Adrien nodded for her to go on.
I leaned in and listened.
"First of all, he can teleport, making it easier for him to move around Paris with astonishing ease." Cassandra continued.
"No wonder he seemed so hard to catch when Volpina used her illusions to create Hawkmoth. Since she was akumatised, her connection to Hawkmoth must have been very informative, which made it easier for her to create the illusion. So basically, how she made Hawkmoth seem so quick by being able to teleport, was actually a real part of his powers." I summed up, glancing over to Adrien.
"Yes, all of his victims have a perfectly good connection to him, a strong enough connection to see his whole attire and powers."
"Wow, you really do know a lot about him." Adrien commented, now even deeper in thought, that is, if it was possible.
"Yup, I know everything about every one of the miraculous. Also, Hawkmoth is only Hawkmoth because he was overwhelmed with anger, sorrow envy and etcetera. His emotions for revenge caused him to use his powers for evil, using the magic in the dark, unforgiving way. Otherwise, he could've made heroes out of his miraculous, instead of villains. He chooses to look for the bad emotions instead of the good. "
"So basically, you're saying that Hawkmoth could've been good?" He asked, wrapping an arm around me.
"Yes Adrien, he could've been good," Cassandra suddenly tightened, "remember that night?"
Adrien nodded, but he was confused, ever so slightly.
"Well, the thing is..." She paused for a moment, and I could suddenly see the tears welling up in the corner of her eye.
"That kwami box...
Was meant for you."

Boom! Well that was a dramatic ending! Okay, sorry if this is a really bad chapter, I had to rush to finish this by my personal 'wattpad update' deadline. Which is once a week on Saturdays or Sundays.
Also, I just fell in love with a hard-copy new book series. So be expecting some fan fictions of Elementals (by Brigid Kemmerer) after I halt this book to a finish.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

Miraculous Ladybug: Destiny [UNDER SERIOUS EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now