25 • Adrien (UNEDITED)

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Fury surged through me, filling every particle of my body, but I kept silent, clenching my fists and gritting my teeth, tensed, with only one word to ask. "What?"
Marinette pulled me in closer, and I could feel her worry for me prominently radiating out from her in waves. But she only pursed her lips, tightly, and shared her warmth.
Cassandra sighed, and buried her face into her hands, arms supported by her knees, and her hair falling around her right shoulder and covering her entire face. I squeezed my eyes shut, and my jaw hurt from the way I was clenching it.
"I made a mistake. I made a mistake, and I had to pay for it." I didn't know it, but a single tear rolled down her cheek, but got smothered into her hands, fading away from sight.
"I tried so hard... I wanted you to be happy again Adrien, I wanted to see you smile, I wanted to see you go back to being the boy you were before your mother disappeared. I was selfish, and I was young. I didn't make the right decision, I was too chicken to personally help you through your problems. Instead, I delivered you the miraculous, thinking that you were worth it, and you were. You just never got it. That was my first failure. My first failure, and master fu received the guilt, the guilt that wasn't his fault. He thought that he'd needed to educate me further, that I was foolish because of his ways of teaching, but in reality, it was my own self-control that was a downfall in many ways." I opened my eyes again, only to see Cassandra still hunched over, quivering with uneven fits of sobbing. She didn't raise her head to meet my gaze once, and Marinette still stay silent, knowing that it was not her place to talk. I could clearly see the sympathy in her bluebell eyes, and the slight shadow of worry still glimmering as bright as the stars against the night sky. Cassandra's tears sparkled against the moonlight, waterfalls of silver cascading down her hands and onto her clothing, some of it leaking around and dampening the ground. Her voice cracked, but she sniffed hard, and restarted talking, though I almost found the urge to tell her not to continue, she pressed on, face still in hands. "That's how it fell into his hands Adrien, that's how it got lost, how your father found it... How he became Hawkmoth."
We all fell silent.
My mind started whirring, like the wheels of a forgotten clock restarting to churn. I could feel the betrayal and sadness pang in my heart that seemed to have moved into my throat.
"I could have been Hawkmoth." Was all I said.
Marinette nodded, Cassandra lifted her head up, which was red, and tear-streaked with grief and bad memories.
"But you could have been better, and greater, than the Hawkmoth we have now. Instead of villains, you could have made heroes." Marinette reached out a hand and gently ran it down my cheek, and I could feel her eyes examining me.
I relaxed and thought through it. Marinette was right, maybe that wouldn't have been such a bad thing, I could have helped Paris instead of trying to destroy it like my father did and still does now. But I just felt like I was an idiot, for not just going that further step to grab that box she had dropped, and kept it safe with me instead of just walking back to my room. I still felt guilt for it, and stupid.
"But if I had just... Kept the kwami box, perhaps this would've never happened. Maybe Paris would be at some sort of peace, with every day life going on as usual."
"No buts Adrien, if he never existed, plenty of fantastic good things would have happened. Like, if he wasn't Hawkmoth, then we would've never become Ladybug and Chatnoir. If he wasn't a villain-creator, then we would've not only never met, but would've never been able to come together, and become.... Us." Marinette said, now hugging me even closer, if that was possible.
She seemed to rub off all my worries, bit by bit, calming my nerves.
"Wow, if your father is Hawkmoth, wouldn't that make you his caterpillar?" Plagg flew out of nowhere, suddenly in our faces, surprising us to no extent. Marinette shrieked and fell back wards, dragging me down with her. I yelled too, before we fell into the deep recesses of the water behind us. With Marinette scowling, and me laughing along with Plagg and Tikki, Cassandra cracked a small smile from underneath her puffy eyes. I sat up, lending a hand to Marinette and pulling her up with me, now we were both dripping wet and standing in a pool of water up to our knees, trying to squeeze our clothing dry before climbing back out over the marble-like stone edge.
"Plagg! It's... No... Just, not funny-puns!" Tikki cried between bouts of laughter, while we all burst back into laughter.

That was... Heavy. But light at the end! Okay, sorry it's short, not my usual 1000 words, but 800 will suffice... Right? Anyway, vote comment, and... Hope you enjoyed!

Miraculous Ladybug: Destiny [UNDER SERIOUS EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now