15 • Marinette (UNEDITED)

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Please read A/N at end of chapter.
Lila led me away from the stage.
"Where are we going?"
"We need to grab a dress for you. I mean, I don't think you'll be getting anywhere in a towel." She replied, opening a door and pulling me inside.
I had regained some of my strength, I could walk properly now, not needing to lean on anyone. It's slow progress, but it's progress anyway.
I stood against the wall as Lila rummaged in the lost property box.
She came out with a red jacket, black skirt and a pink shirt that had 'style' written on it with black letters. Lila handed them over and went outside.
I tried them on, and, surprisingly, they fit.
I re-did my hair, pulling the fancy (well, messy and frizzy) bun down and instead, brushed my fingers down it like a comb, smoothing it down and wearing it without the red lackey, which I hung around my wrist. Grabbing a tissue from my purse, I rubbed clear my red eyes and my tear-stained face. I took a deep breath and pulled the door open where Lila stood, waiting in her orange gown and matching mask that was rimmed with a glittery black.
"Let's go find your Prince Charming now." She smiled.

I found Adrien next to Chloe, who was... In my dress???!
She was twirling herself around him and trying to use every moment to try and give him a sloppy kiss on his cheek.
I swallowed some colourful language that I was about to say back down my throat and marched over to them.
Chloe was in the middle of trying to snatch a peck from over his right shoulder when I stormed in and slapped Chloe on her face.
Adrien seem relieved that I had finally come to save him.
"What the hell was that for?" Chloe glared at me.
"One, where the hell are my earrings?!" I mimicked her. She reached into her small, yellow purse hanging off her shoulder and dug her hand inside.
"Looking for these?" She sneered, dangling them in front of me in a taunting way.
"Give them back Chloe." Adrien came to my side, hovering protectively close to me.
"If you want them, then go find them!" She cackles and throws them over her shoulder, into the mass of crowds.
"No!" I shout, lunging forward in a desperate attempt to find them.
By that time, I had completely forgotten about Lila. She appeared out of nowhere and held out her hand. The two black earrings were laid out in her hand.
I looked up thankfully at her.
"Don't thank me, just go kick Chloe's butt into hell already!" She grins.
Like she arrived, she was gone just as quickly, mingling into the crowds and disappearing from sight.

Whoop! 464 words! Please don't skip this upcoming rant okay?:
It's been brought to my attention that someone has copied my work. It's called plagiarism to do so, and will get you into a lot of trouble. It hurts for the author if someone has copied your work and put it out as your own. To avoid this, please contact me first, notify me, ask me, before you put my work into your own books. PM me, use the Message Board or even tell me in the comments! All I want to know beforehand is for you to ask for permission before copying my work, even if you don't, at least put in a bibliography of some type. Thanks for your attention.
On a brighter angle, one more week to go before my school holidays! Whoop! Meaning more updates and more reading time!
Thanks for reading my luckycharmers!

Miraculous Ladybug: Destiny [UNDER SERIOUS EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now