29 • Adrien (UNEDITED)

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As Chatnoir, I leaped through the buildings of College François Dupont, trying to cover the ground needed to find Marinette. Today was one of the few days I had been late.
And I regret it.
When I had finally run into class this morning, I was met with the remnants of an akuma attack.
I had been confused at first—there was no sign of anyone at all. Just silence, and emptiness.
But then I saw Alix, dashing past a staircase on the far side of the gym, chased silently by a spandex-wearing villain and a couple hundred students, trailing behind her like zombies.
I didn't catch the rest of the scene, I had myself had gone straight behind a desk, though there was no one in sight, and transformed.
But now, I could no longer find them, it was as if they had just disappeared into thin air. Growling in frustration, I shook my head as if to clear it, then stopped on the rooftop of the school. Leaning on my pole, I let out a sigh and ran a hand through my blonde hair. Worry for Marinette struck me like lightening. If Ladybug wasn't here, then where was she? Without her, I was stuck. The last time I'd been on an akuma fight without her, I had almost died.
Also, this akumatised villain was starting to annoy me to bits.
It was too hard to try and track them, they didn't leave any clues, and I have no idea where to start.
Ladybug would usually be the brains of this situation.
But then, a flash of something abnormal on the cloudy horizon caught my eye.
I instantly lifted my head, to scan the city.
Had I imagined it?
My eyes darted towards a new movement.
A bright purple spark.
My ears strained and could faintly pick up a sharp click.
Then it was gone, just like that.
A small grin tugged at the corner of my lips.
I found a lead.


I landed in an alleyway, where I last saw the spark.
It was mid-day, but the clouds had finally washed over, and dimmed the lighting on Paris. I could feel the humidity in the weather—it would start raining soon. I walked down the narrow passage, out onto the street.
The was no one out, not a single citizen in sight.
I extended my pole so that i would be able to vault myself up onto the roofs again.
I cried out in surprise as the baton came out from under me, leaving me nothing but air to balance on.
I plummeted towards the ground, bellyflopping head first into the concrete.
Groaning in pain, I absent-mindlessly reached out for the magenta gloved hand that was suddenly held out in front of me, an invitation for help. It quickly pulled away when I did though, leaving me nothing to grasp ahold of... Again.
The access force of reaching out only left me to go face plant back towards the ground, only to be stopped by my own general reflex of supporting myself back up with my hand. Head slowly clearing, I pushed myself up into a sitting position, only to shoot back up into an attacking stance when I assessed my 'helper'.
It was the villain.
She wore a multicoloured spandex suit, the bright colours splashed across her in straight lines, as if she was wrapped multiple times like a mummy with ribbons or streamers.  Where the stripes intersected, were masses of different coloured sparkles, coloured into the diamond or triangle the lines formed. Her dirty blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail, somehow closely reminding me of someone, and her sharp blue eyes were rimmed with a fuchsia mask. She wore dark pink gloves that reached up to her elbows, pink boots up to just below her knee. There were streamers everywhere around her mostly hovering at her side. But some were attached to her back, connecting her to a couple hundred ghostly Parisians, that looked like as if she was sucking the life out of them.
I glared at her with shock and disgust.
Strange, Hawkmoth usually never created akumas this strong or not leave an obvious object.
"How could you do this to them? What have they ever done to you?"
The villain just smiled, sickly sweet poison just seemed to droop all around her personality. She held up a hand, and waved it dismissively, before using her other hand to send a wave of snaking ribbons towards me.
I ducked and dodged, not only trying to save my own tail, but also because if whatever happened to those innocents, happened to me, then what would Paris succumb to?
I twirled my baton out in front of me to act as a shield, jumping and twisting through the air to try and avoid all the colourful missiles. The villain scowled and changed tactics, now adding white, sparking spheres of light to the attack, which made the endless assaults thicker in mass and left less room for me to manoeuvre through it.
I eventually had to seek higher ground, since I was loosing the upper hand. Leaping up a streetlight, I  started jumping across to the next pole, and then the next, resembling to jumping across platforms in some sort of video game.
Out of the corner of my eyesight, I saw one of the light spheres hit an oblivious pigeon who was merrily flying along. When it struck, the pigeon gave a shocked coo of alarm before freezing midair and dropping to the ground like a deadweight.
I bit back a gasped curse.
I picked up the pace and started circling my opponent, trying to find a break in her relentless attacks.
"Not fe-line very happy today? I was wondering why you were looking so paw-ful on this absolutely purr-fect day." I tried, my voice coming out teasing and calm, not at all reflecting how anxious I was on the inside.
The taunting seemed to get to her, and for a second, I saw the gap of her concentration being shattered.
Her scowl deepened, and her cheeks flushed red with anger.
But then a familiar outline of a purple butterfly rimmed her face, and she seemed to shake her head, gathering her thoughts, and regain her needed focus.
Her attacks resumed, with more force behind it, but not only because of annoyance and anger, but with a slight desperation and a spark of anxiety in her eyes.
So when the flow of ribbons stopped, I was confused.
Had the villain run or on ribbons, or was she just waiting for another chance to strike?
I paused on the ledge of the wall of I was on and thought of a taunt, to see which one of my assumptions were right.
"Hey ribbon girl, is that all you got?"
The girl glared at me with a dangerous potency, and added another venomous glower as I had obviously addressed her wrong.
She mouthed something at me, clenching her hands onto fists at her side, obviously annoyed and distracted.
It was then I realised though, that she was mute.
Whether it was something that was a part of her akumatisation process or if it was something that she naturally had, was a mystery to me.
For a second, she seemed just as surprised as I was.
And that was all I needed to extend my baton far enough to swipe at her feet and trip her over.
She let out a silent squeal of unbelief and shock before tumbling over in a tangle of ribbons.
I ran over to her, and she started getting up, trying to make a last minute mad dash to get away, but unfortunately for her, it was at that point when the first few droplets of rain began to fall. And then it picked up quickly, and soon, the rain was pouring down in rage. Soaked and wet, the ribbons and streamers wilted and began to stick to her body like glue, making it harder for her to escape from her mess. I saw it, at that moment. There was one single long ribbon, a deep indigo colour, with black sparkles rimming the edge.
I reached out and snatched of the ground, then ripping it in half, as the villain gave a last desperate lunge to save it.
The butterfly fluttered out, but before it could go any further, I cupped it in my hand.
That was way too easy.

Then I took a glance at the Parisians that were slowly getting up, their movements all laced with grogginess as if they had just waken up from a deep slumber.
"What happened?"
"Where are we?"
"Is that chatnoir?"
Questions were flung around, and soon, I was crowded around with people.
But my mind was not tuned the the current topics, all I cared about was Marinette.
I frantically pushed at the crowds, managing to eventually clear a pathway for myself.
Then I spotted a flash of midnight blue hair amongst the confusion of colours.
I pushed harder, almost shoving.
"Give him some space!" A frustrated voice yelled out somewhere.
The people around me instantly obeyed, and the earlier racket of questions turned into silence.
I rushed over to Marinette's side.
She was on her right side, propped against the wall, hair drooped all over her face.
Bending down, worry consumed me like a tidal wave.
She didn't have any visible wounds, and she was obviously alive—her sides heaving up and down—but her breathing was rapid, uneven, panicked. Her face was contorted with pain, sweat forming around her forehead.
I reached out and stroked a hand softly over her cheek, giving her an ever so gentle nudge.
"Come on, wake up..."
She didn't stir.
"Wake up..."
Come on!
I was seriously balanced on the edge of keeping myself in check and not freaking out.
Then her eyelids fluttered, and revealed two sparkling sapphires.
"Chatnoir..." She murmured.

School HOLIDAYS! Yay! More updating! Which is why there is a basic part 2 to this.
I realise that it's not really connecting up to the previous chapter, but I will make sure that it does.
Thanks for reading!


Miraculous Ladybug: Destiny [UNDER SERIOUS EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now