33 • Marinette (UNEDITED)

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"My life?" I asked, my eyes widening in disbelief. Adrien placed his hand over mine giving me a comforting squeeze.
"Yes Marinette, when you were first akumatised, he planted darkness in your miraculous, which is tied to your soul, and waited for it to grow, which it ultimately did." Cassandra said solemnly, her eyes full of sympathy for me.
I took a shudders breath, blinking back the tears forming at my eyes.
It was all my fault. If I hadn't been so mad at Chloe that night at the ball, I wouldn't have got akumatised. If I hadn't got akumatised, then Hawkmoth wouldn't have had cursed me. If he hadn't cursed me, Tikki would still be here...
"Marinette, it's not your fault." Adrien said, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me into a hug.
"He's right," Cassandra spoke up, and I lifted my head up to meet her gaze. "None of this is your fault, in reality, it's my fault that I didn't do my duties correctly. But for now, we have to stay on task. If you want your kwami back, then you'll have to confront Hawkmoth, and defeat him."
There was a defiant glint in her eye, something that also asked an important question at the same time.
I bit my bottom lip.
"Unfourtunately, I can only help you so far, and my time here is almost up. I can't help you fight Hawkmoth because it isn't part of my destiny, however much I want to." She said, but didn't at all loose any of her posture. "You and Adrien were chosen for this, you are strong and brave, and I'm sure that you have the courage it takes to defeat the enemy, even without me. The question is though, are you ready to follow your destiny?"
I turned my head to the side, my eyes seeking Adrien's for comfort.
He gave me a slight nod, his iridescent irises communicating a silent message.
It's your choice.
I turned back to Cassandra.
"I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get Tikki back and defeat Hawkmoth, even if it takes my final breath."


    As the smoke cleared, I found that we had arrived at the Montmartre, the famous church looming over us as tourists pushed past, not even noticing that we had suddenly made an appearance from out of nowhere.
    "This is where hawkmoth lives?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at Cassandra, who walked up to my left side, with Adrien already on my right.
    "Not really, I think it's more of a lair. I sensed Nooroo's aura coming from here." She replied, an equally confused look on her face.
     "Well then, what are we waiting for?" Adrien asked, already starting towards the entrance.
    I nodded and followed suite.


    It was an hour later, and we still hadn't found anything. It was a nice experience though, wandering through the white marbled church, taking in the beautiful mosaic artworks dotting the ceiling and the amazing stained windows telling ancient religious stories.
We all met back in the main part of the cathedral, wooden floorboards creaking as we gathered in a cricket and sighed in defeat.
"We've looked everywhere." Adrien groaned, multitasking with his other hand to absently feed Plagg some Camembert since his kwami was grumbling all through our search, not being much help.
Cassandra pursed her lips, looking unsure for a moment, then spoke. "Well, I've got an idea, but it's kind of a last hope and by far the idea which might lead to more disappointment, but I guess, we could... I mean after all, I can't properly locate Nooroo's aura since it just seems to be around here in general. I can't pinpoint it, but if you turn into Chatnoir Adrien, you might be able to hear Nooroo."
Adrien looked utterly lost. "What?"
Cassandra smiled. "As Chatnoir, your hearing is magnified five times more than usual, like a cat's. Nooroo, when he flies, his wings make the slightest flurry of sounds, which sounds kind of like a butterfly's. If you strain far enough, you might just pick up on that sound."
He nodded. "Nothing to loose right?"
"Plagg, transform me!"
    I watched him transform into the famous superhero right before my eyes.
    We waited for him as seemed to concentrate for a while.
    The his eyes lit up and he looked at us.
    "I hear it! Follow me!"
    We ran down several hallways, some that we've already searched around, but then we went down a corridor that we had never noticed before, which was tucked away at the corner of the church, the colour of the archway completely blending in to its surroundings and making it almost invisible. Chatnoir stopped every now and then, pausing to listen. After a while we made it in front of a door.
     I shared a look with Chat.
    He nodded back, but put a finger to his lips as I started to speak.
    A booming voice suddenly came out of the room, "time to fly, my little akuma, an devilish this poor soul!"
    My eyes widened, and so did Cassandra's, but not for the same reasons. A purple smoke started circling at her feet, and was slowly starting to circle up to her waist. "I—I—My time here is..."
     I placed a hand on her shoulder.
     "You've done all you can, and you really have been a great help. Thank you."
     Cassandra smiled at me and I nodded.
     Then she disappeared.
     I looked back at Chatnoir, who was looking away from me, tense and rigid.
     I brushed my hand across his cheeks, which forced him to look at me.
     Tears were forming at the corner of his eyes. Cassandra was a good fried towards him, and they had a deep connection once. It must be tearing him apart to see her leave again.
     But he managed a crooked smile, and took a shuddery breath.
   "Let's do this."
     I sighed, and nodded.
     Then we burst open the door.
    A man stood in the centre of a large dimly lit room, surrounded by hundreds of crisp white butterflies.
     He glanced at us, slowly turning his cane around in his hand.
    "I've been waiting for you."

Wow, took me 2 hours to finish this, finally, done! Also, I owe @MeliZbeauty/melizbeauty an awesome YouTuber with awesome ML theories the theory that Hawkmoth's lair is located in the Sacré-Cœur on Montmartre (and also the fact that Hawkmoth is not Gabriel Agreste). Also, the picture above is the Church.

Miraculous Ladybug: Destiny [UNDER SERIOUS EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now