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I sat at the lunch table, Connor was across from me and he did not look good. His eyes were glossy and his cheeks a dark shade of red. He didn't look up from his phone once.

Joey: Connor?

He waved me off and put his phone away.

Joey: Do you want to talk about it?

Connor: Later.

He harshly wiped his nose and got up.

Joey: Where are you going?

Connor: Library. You guys stay.

I looked at Carter who looked back at me, his eyes signaling to give him some time. I nodded as Connor walked off. 

Carter: So. Um. How was the um party?

I blushed.

Joey: Uh good.

Carter: Did anything happen?

Joey: Umm.

I could feel a smile spread across my face.

Joey: Um. He, he kissed me.

Carter's eyes widened.

Carter: Y-you kissed?

I nodded and covered my face knowing it was probably ridiculously red.

Carter: T-that's great. Daniel's your first kiss huh?

I could hear the tone in his voice changing slowly.

I looked up from my hands at Carter. He was looking off.

Joey: Are you okay?

Carter: Yah. I'm perfect. Just a little um tired.

He looked into my eyes but then looked away. The tension in the air was getting worse as he fiddled with his the spork in his hands.

Carter: Oh! I forgot! I was supposed to meet a friend. Um. In the.

He paused for a bit to long.

Carter: Um. In the multi media room. Were supposed to finish the news for the school...

He quickly got up and left the table, leaving me by myself.

Joey: Well then.

I walked up the steps to my house, and opened up the house door. It was only me here. I assumed my mom was at work so I went into the kitchen. I felt my Phone vibrate and took it out of my pocket. It was Carter. I laughed at the name I had for him,

🍩 doughnut boy 🍩

Can you come over?

Um. Yah. Sure. Why?

I need help with geomtry...

Alright... Be there in a bit.

I grabbed the house keys again and walked out the door. I was only 15 and I couldn't drive a car yet so I had to walk. His house wasn't far from me anyways. It only took me 5 minutes. I rang his doorbell and waited for someone to anwser. It only took a few seconds until he finally opened the door.

Carter: Hi Joey.

He awkwardly smiled and invited me inside. We walked up to his room and sat on the floor.

Joey: What did you need help on?

Carter: This part. I don't understand how to get the coordinated for the other triangle...

Those PeopleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora