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Joey (6 years after high school.)

I laughed as Carter fell onto the sidewalk.

Joey: Are you ok!?

Carter looked up at me.

Carter: No! Now help me get up hoe!

Joey: Hey! Don't call me that! Now get yourself up peasant.

Carter smirked and got up, he brushed off his coat and looked at me as we started walking.

Carter: You sir, are very rude. You didn't even offer to help me up! What kind of boyfriend does that?

Joey: The best you'll find.

I intertwined our hands.

Carter: You know. Your beard looks very cute like that.

Joey: Really? A beard and mustache?

Carter: You look better than you did in high school. It suits you.

Joey: It makes me look like a 23 year old dad.

Carter: A very cute dad if I say so myself.

Joey: Riighhht.

I looked at him and smiled.

Carter: I am defiantly not excited to go to Connors house.

Joey: Rude.

Carter: What? I just want to go home and lay in bed and eat. And watch Netflix. With you.

He winked at me.

Joey: Nasty.

I pushed him into a bush but he held onto my wrist and brought me down with him.


He burst out laughing as I got off of him.

Carter: What?

Joey: That was mean!

Carter: And you pushing me into a bush wasn't?

He poked me in the stomach, making a smile grown onto my face.

Joey: Hey! Don't do that.

Carter: Do what? This?

He did it again.

Joey: Stop! I'm serious.

Carter: Alright, alright. But you have to give me a kiss first.

I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck, passionately kissing him. I pulled away, Carter smiling.

Carter: Thank y-

X: Joey?

I turned to my side. I instantly felt no emotions as I saw the man standing in front of us.

Joey: Daniel?

A/N: Everything will unravel in the next few chapters. To catch you up. Heres the Characters age and what each do.

Joey: 23, Youtuber
Daniel: 24, Blogger
Carter: 24, 1st year as English teacher
Connor: 23, YouTuber
Troye: 24, Starting off music career
Eliot: 23, last year in collage, photographer

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