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I watched as Joey and Daniel held hands and laughed. They both headed to Daniels table. I sighed and swirled the cheap red and white plastic straw the school gave us in the juice.

Connor: What's wrong?

I looked up and removed my head from my hand.

Carter: Nothing. Just a bit tired.

Connor: No your not. You can tell me the truth. I won't tell anyone. What's wrong?

I shrugged and pushed my glasses up. Connor looked behind us.

Connor: Is it Joey again?

Carter: Possibly.

Connor: He's your friend. And he wants you guys to be just friends. You can't accept that?

Carter: I am. I just. I really like him. And it's hard not to. I just need time. Besides, it bothers me that he still doesn't know.

Connor: Just give it time. He will find out eventually.

Carter: Why can't we just tell him?

Connor: He can figure it out himself. He's a smart boy.

Carter: He's smart, but not in the dating part of life. He doesn't know how to play that game yet. This is his first relationship Connor. Just give him a little guidance.

Connor: No! And Exactly. This is why he needs to figure it out himself. It'll help him.

I breathed out in frustration and threw my trash away.

Carter: If you guys won't tell him then I will.

I started walking towards Joey and Daniel but Connor grabbed onto my wrist.

Connor: No!

I yanked my arm back and walked away from him. I could hear Connors footsteps behind me as I headed towards the Multi Media room.

Connor: You have to promise you won't tell him Carter.

Carter: I can't promise that Connor.

Connor: Do it for his own good.

Carter: For his own good?!

I stepped closer to Connor.

Carter: This isn't for his own good! This is going to fucking break him! How would you feel if someone you were seeing was seeing other people at the same time!? I defiantly didn't like it Connor and I know Joey won't take it great aswell. What's going to happen if Daniel asks Joey to be his boyfriend again?! Huh? You know what happened the last time. Luckily Joey wasn't stupid and said no.

Connor looked at me stunned.

Carter: If your not telling him then I will.

I opened up the door and walked in.


I watched as Connor and Carter came my way. I was about to smile at them but Connor grabbed onto Carters arm, stopping him. I watched as they stared into each other's eyes and then Carter walking away, mad.

Daniel: What's wrong?

I smiled and shook my head.

Joey: Nothing.

Cat: So Joey? How does it feel to be in your first relastionship?

I just shrugged and smiled.

Joey: Not too sure. We haven't been together long enough for me to know.

I looked at Daniel and smiled.

Short Chapter but alot of information... Let's see how long Joey can last without knowing. Shall we? 😏😉

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