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I smiled as Joey sat across from me on the couch. He looked extremely tired but it seemed as if he was trying not to show it. It was only 7 am and I remember in a vlog I had watched of his that he said he normally wakes up around 10.

Daniel: What do you want to eat for breakfast?

He looked at me and shrugged.

Joey: What can you make?

Daniel: Mostly anything.

Joey: What about French toast?

Daniel: I was excepting something harder and more complex but ok.

Joey: I'm a simple guy.

Daniel: Except when it comes to clothing choices.

Joey: What is that supposed to mean?

Daniel: Nothing.

Joeys eyebrows furrowed as I got up from the couch. I only smiled at him.

Joey: Need help?

Daniel: Nah, I can do it myself. Besides, didn't you say you were bad at cooking?

He nodded and turned away from my gaze. I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed the items I needed.


I sat next to Joey. He looked down at his plate and smiled.

Joey: I haven't had French toast in awhile.

Daniel: Why not?

I watched as Joey poured syrup on them.

Joey: Carter works 5 days a week and on the weekends he's too tired to cook. I normally eat cereal or leftovers from the night before.

Daniel: Well you're welcome here anytime.

He looked at me, a small smile was plastered onto his face. We finished breakfast in silence and decided on going to the park. (Why Park Jimin when you can Ride Jimin?)

Daniel: I really think you should try.

Joey: Funny. That's what Carter said.

I watched as Joey turned his head to the side, avoiding eye contact.

Daniel: Well what do you want to do?

Joey: I don't know... I just. Why can't things be simple? Everything is always so hard and depressing. It's never fair.

Daniel: Life isn't fair Joey. Sometimes life throws certain situations at you so you don't take the good ones for granted.

He sighed and looked down at his moving feet.

Joey: I just. I don't know how to talk to him.

Daniel: Joey?

We both stopped in our tracks and turned to face eachother. He looked up at me, his blue eyes sparkled as he waited for my answer. I breathed out and stepped closer to him, connecting our lips. And for the 1st time, it didn't feel like lip to lip. It seemed as if he enjoyed aswell until he pushed me away, a hurt expression on his face.

Joey: I don't like you like that Daniel! I'm engaged! Why would I ever want to date someone after they hurt me!?

His eyes began to water.

Daniel: I-I'm sorry. I just.

I stepped closer to him, grabbing ahold of his wrist. He yanked his arm back, reminding me of when we first met.

Joey: What happens if Carter finds out!?

I couldn't bring myself to say anything. He shook his head and walked towards the parking lot.

Daniel: Joey!

He didn't turn around. I bit my lip as I watched him drive away.


This was in my drafts for awhile.

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