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I looked over at the table Joey normally sat at. Nobody was there. I sighed and turned back around, looking down at my lunch.

Cat: What's wrong Daniel? You look a little, Blue!

Cat grabbed the remnants of her slushie and threw it in my face. It wasn't much but it defiantly ticked me off.

Daniel: Not today cat! (Satan) Fuck off.

Cat: Oh come on Daniel! It was just a joke.

Everyone laughed as cat moved her short silver hair out of her face.

Daniel: Well it wasn't a very funny one.

I got up and walked out of the school.

X: Excuse me. I need to see your id for you to get out of the school. You have to be 18 to leave without your parents permission.

Daniel: I do what I please bitch.

I looked into the security guards eyes and ran across the street, not caring one bit if the lights were green or not. I got into my car and slammed the door.


I literally lied to my mom that I was sick. Get up so we can do something.

Joey perked his head up from my chest, his eyes still glossy and bloodshot. He shook his head and continued holding onto me tightly.

Carter: Pleeeeaaase?

Joey: Noo..

Carter: Please?

I poked his side, a little smile played on his lips.

Carter: Please?

Joey: Fine.

He half smiled and sat up.

Carter: Yay!

He rolled his eyes and got off of the bed.

Carter: Just wear some of my clothes so we don't waist time. Just pick out anything really.

He nodded and went to one of my drawers. I picked something for myself and went into the bathroom quickly getting changed. I walked out, Joey laying on the bed using his phone. He looked up, his eyes not as red as before. He smiled at me and got up.

Carter: Ready?

He nodded and followed me outside.

Joey: So what do you want to do?

I felt Joey intertwine our hands, in a friendly way.

Carter: Um. We can go to the park. Get lunch. It's not that long of a walk to the movies.

Joey: The park. And then lunch?

I nodded my head as we went towards the park.


We sat down on a concrete bench. It wasn't very comfortable but the wooden benches were occupied with mothers watching over there children playing and running on the playground.

Carter: This is boring.

Joey: Truly.

Carter: Tag!

Wai- Carter!

He got up and ran off. I cursed under my breathe and chased after him.

Joey: You know this isn't fair! Your in cross country, and track!

I continues to tell at him as he ran faster. I stopped and collapsed to the ground, out of breathe. I heard him walk over to me.

Carter: You're no fun.

Joey: Yes I am. I just don't like running.

He raised his eyebrow and laid down. I laid down aswell, my head resting on his chest.

Joey: Carter?

Carter: Mmhhh?

Joey: We're friends right?

Carter: Of course. What do you mean?

We both sat up, our eyes meeting.

Joey: I just don't want to end up like Troye and Connor.

He looked a bit hurt but understanding.

Carter: Me neither. I think it's best we stay friends.

He nervously laughed and looked down at his crossed legs.

Joey: Friends?

Carter: Nothing more. Nothing less.

We both laughed and got up. I intertwined our hands again.

Joey: Lunch now?

He nodded and smiled. I then felt his arm get yanked away from mine.

Daniel: This all happened because of you.

I saw Carter on the ground, Daniel hovering over him. Daniel made a fist and punched the side of Carters jaw. Carter winced in pain, not being able to move his arms. I grabbed Daniels torso trying to pry him off Carter.

Joey: Daniel! Please stop!

I felt tears start to fall down my cheeks when Daniel wouldn't budge. I tried pulling him off again but he only reacted by harshly hitting my nose with his elbow. I fell back, crying out in pain. I felt my nose and looked down at my palm. It was almost covered in blood. I felt the blood still spilling out of my nose.

Daniel: I'm sor- I didn't mean to.

I didn't pay attention to what Daniel was saying. I crawled over to Carter and put his head on my lap. His mouth was bleeding. I looked up at Daniel, an obviously mad expression spread across my face.

Joey: You're so lucky that punch didn't knock him out!

I looked down at Carter and wiped the blood that was still running from his mouth.

Daniel: I said I was sorry.

He whispered as he sat next to me. I could feel the eyes of people on us.

Joey: You've said sorry to many times Daniel.

I said coldly, Daniel tried grabbing my hand but I yanked my arm away.

Joey: Can you get up?

Carter: I, I think so.

Joey: Do you need help?

He nodded. I helped him up. I wiped my nose again.

Daniel: Let me help.

He looked into my eyes, obviously concerned. I rolled my own as we started to walk.

Joey: We're going to my house ok?

I told Carter in a soothing voice and intertwined our hands for the 3rd time today.


This chapter sucked.

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