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I pulled on the light sweater as I heard the doorbell ring. I walked across the hall and into the little hall. I opened up the door to see Daniel.

Joey: Well hello.

He smiled.

Daniel: Ready?

Joey: I just need to get my shoes. Come on in.

I opened up the spring door and let him inside. He looked around the room.

Joey: I'll be right back.

He nodded as I walked off. I jogged into my room and grabbed the maroon colored vans from the floor. I walked back into the living room to see my mom talking to Daniel.

Mom: Now what are you're intentions with my Son?

Daniel: To, uh. I don't know. get to know him.

Mom: You're not planning to make him look like a tackle box too right?

Daniels mouth opened.

Joey: Alright. I'm ready let's go.

Mom: Be safe, and don't get any piercings. Or tattoos.

Joey: I won't.

I waved and walked out with Daniel.

Daniel: Ok, so I wanted to walk if that's okay with you?

I nodded.

Joey: Where are we going?

Daniel: It's a surprise.

I raised an eyebrow at him as we passed under an orange light.

Daniel: It'll be fun, don't worry.

Joey: I'm pretty sure my type of fun isn't your type of fun.

Daniel: No I promise. This will be fun.

Joey: Ok. I trust you.


Daniel: Good. We're almost there.

We walked for 10 minutes. Passing quite a few stores and houses until we stopped at a field with tall grass.

Daniel: Follow close. I don't want you to be murdered by clowns.

My eyes widened and i jumped really close to Daniels side. I tightly grabbed onto his arm and looked around.

Daniel: I won't let that happen. Don't worry, little boy.

I glared at him but continued to have a tight grip on his arm. He suddenly stopped and dropped to the ground. I sat down next to him.

Joey: What are we doing?

Daniel: Looking up at the stars.

He laid down and gestured for me to lay down with him. I did what he said.

Daniel: Look. You see that red dot right there?

He pointed directly at it. I nodded.

Daniel: That's Mars. You can only see it in the fall. Oh and right there. That's the Big Dipper but I'm pretty sure it's obvious. It's also part of the big bear. Look. If you see. The stick thing is actually apart of the tail and-

He looked at me and blushed. We'll that's what it seemed he was doing from the dim light.

Daniel: I sound like a god damn nerd.

I laughed.

Joey: No. It's fine keep going.

Daniel: You sure?

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