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Daniel looked at me and smiled.

Joey: What

He shook his head and looked away. I looked down at the cotton candy and pulled some off.

Joey: Want some?

I showed him it.

Daniel: I bought it for you.

I half smiled and put it Into my own mouth.

Joey: Can I ask you something?

He looked at me, a worried expression was plastered on it.

Joey: What happened to Eliot?

He sighed and looked away.

Daniel: He left me.

I bit my lip.

Joey: Why?

Daniel: Because of you.

I looked at him and half smiled.

Joey: I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or...

Daniel: I guess it's a compliment. I love you and Nobody else.

Joey: And who's this nobody else?

I raised an eyebrow and looked at Daniel. He smiled. I smiled back and placed my head on his shoulder.

Daniel: How's Carter?

Joey: He's doing good. He told me Connor asked him out.

I smiled to myself.

Daniel: They're perfect.

I nodded and closed my eyes, the sound of people talking and games filled my ears. The carnival wasn't the most peaceful place but Daniel had made it feel that way. As if we were the only ones there.

Daniel: Let's go play some games.

Joey: How about we ride that.

I pointed to a ride where people cages were spinning and going pretty high up. It was hard to explain.

Daniel: Are you insane!? Who the hell do you think I am!? Superman?!

I laughed.

Joey: Yup.

I grabbed onto his hand a pulled him.

Daniel: Id rather go on the Ferris wheel. And after all, you just ate cotton candy do you want to throw up?

Joey: fine. But were going on this later.

I happily skipped to the Ferris wheel, Daniel slowly trailing behind me. We handed the women our tickets after we made our way up the line. She smiled and lead us to the seat, watching as we buckled our seat belt. She returned to her spot, nodding and starting the ride. I placed my head on Daniels shoulder and watched as our feet raised higher off the ground.

Daniel: It isn't that bad. I mean look at the view. He took his phone out and snapped a picture.

I smiled at him. I made the seat rock, causing Daniel to grab onto my shirt.

Daniel: Joseph! Don't do that!

I laughed and looked at him, the multicolored lights from down below shined in his eyes making them twinkle.

Daniel: What?

He stared back at me. I looked away and shook my head.

Joey: It's nothing.

I felt Daniel move my head towards his.  I could feel myself getting nervous as he leaned in towards me, making our lips touch. I couldn't help but smile when we pulled away, reaching the top of the Ferris wheel.

Joey: This is so cheesy.

I laughed and looked down at the ground below us, it was making me sick so I looked back up.

Daniel: Now you know how I feel.

I scooted closer to him and pulled on his shirt, the soft fabric wrinkled up in my hand. Soon the ride had ended and once we got off, my legs felt week.

Daniel: Want to play some games?

I looked up at him and nodded. We walked over to one where they were giving away stuffed animals, the husky one caught my eye. The game seemed pretty simple, you throw the football on the stop sign and if it lands in the basket, you win. The thing was, I sucked at it.

Daniel: You've waisted $20 on this let's go.

Joey: I have one more.

Daniel looked at me and raised his eyebrow.

Daniel: Let me try.

He grabbed the football from my hand and studied the set-up. One he was done he threw the ball. I watched as it gracefully landed into the basket and then I looked at Daniel with awe.

Joey: How t-

Daniel: That one please.

The man grabbed the husky and handed it to Daniel.

Daniel: Thank you.

Daniel turned to me and shoved the animal towards me.

Joey: no, no. You won it.

Daniel: You paid for it though.

Joey: But you won it.

Daniel: I want you to have it. And if you continue to say no then I'll just leave at your house. Besides, I saw you eyeing it the whole time you were playing.

Daniel shoved it in my direction again. I took it from his hands and smiled.

Joey: Thank you.

He just shrugged. After playing many games we finally left.

Joey: You don't mind staying over right?

Daniel: Nah. If it means seeing you in the morning then I'm down.

I gestured for him to follow me. We walked to one of the guest rooms.

Joey: Is this one fine?

He seemed a bit hurt but nodded and sat down on the bed. I sat next to him.

Joey: Thank you for today.

Daniel: No problem.

I smiled and got up, only for Daniel to grab onto my wrist and make me sit back down. He looked into my eyes and grabbed onto the back of my neck, connecting our lips. He gently pushed me down, not breaking the kiss as he did so.

So I decided on ending the fanfiction here. ❤️ I really hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. :) hopefully I can finish writing the fanfiction I'm currently working on and publish it soon. It's a pretty depressing Janiel story and I'm kind of excited for it. 😂 But I feel as if I'm going to cry tomorrow because "You Never Walk Alone" comes out and Their music video "Spring Day" as we'll! (The trailer is above.) then I think on the 20th "Not Today" will also be released. (Trailer below.) Anyways, I love you guys so much and I'll see you later. ❤️ Bye!

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