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Carter: I just don't understand... Why Daniel?

Joey: Why not Daniel?

Carter: I just. I don't want you getting hurt.

I watched as he fiddled with the white headphones coming out of his shirt.

Joey: How am I going to get hurt? Do you know something I don't?

Carter: N-no.

He was avoiding eye contact.

Joey: You're not looking at me. You're lying.

Carter looked into my eyes.

Carter: I'm just worried. He's hurt you before...

Joey: We're fine. We've been fine longer than previously.

I smiled to myself.

Carter: Ok. Just don't. Do something stupid tonight.

Joey: You sound like my mom.

Carter: No.

I raised an eyebrow at Carter. He just shrugged and sank Into the couch.

Joey: Your jealous aren't you?

Carter: No! Your just my friend and I don't want you dating the wrong people. That's all.

I rolled my eyes and sighed in annoyance. I opened my mouth to say what I was thinking but closed it again. Carter turned away from me.

Carter: What were you going to say?

Joey: Nothing. It doesn't matter.

Carter: Really Joey. Tell me.

He continued to look down at his phone.

Joey: What were you guys discussing two weeks ago when I came home from that date with Daniel?

Carter: What?

Joey W-when my head was on your lap. And I slept over...

Carter: Oh. Uh. Nothing important.

I sighed as the doorbell rang. Me and Carter both walked up to the door. I opened it up, Daniel behind it.

Carter: I'll see you tomorrow Joey.

He half smiled. It looked like he was going in for a hug but awkwardly stopped himself and walked out the door, past Daniel with no words. Me and Daniel looked at eachother. I shrugged and followed Daniel outside.

Daniel: I'm really tired. Can we just relax somewhere peaceful instead?

Joey: You want to go back inside?

He looked at me and shook his head.

Daniel: Come to my house.

Joey: Y-your house?

He nodded as we entered his car.

Daniel: Whats wrong?

Joey: I'm going to meet your family?

Daniel: Well. Just my mom.

I but my lip, getting nervous as Daniel started driving.

Daniel: You'll do fine. She'll love you.

Joey: I hope so.

After about 5 minutes Daniel parked his car. He looked into the mirror and took the few piercings out. We both excited the car.

Daniel: Ready?

Joey: No.

My hands started to shake as Daniel interlocked our hands. He ran his thumb up and down my hand, trying to calm me.

Daniel: Just breathe.

I nodded. Daniel opened up the door.

Daniel: I'm home!

Daniel led me to the kitchen where a short women with long black hair was drying a plate. She turned to us and smiled.

DM: You must be Joey!

I nodded as she walked over to us. We shook hands.

DM: Daniel talks a lot about you.

I blushed.

Daniel: Ok. Let's go Joey.

Daniel pulled me to his room.

Daniel: She likes to embarrass me.

I raised my eyebrow as Daniel threw himself onto his bed.

Daniel: You can sit.

He patted the space next to him. I sat down. The white covers smelled just like him. We'll it was his room. I shook my head.

Daniel: Want to watch a movie?

I nodded. Daniel got up and grabbed the laptop that was charging on top of his desk. He walked back over and sat down. I scooted over to him, resting my back on the headboard. I watched as Daniel scrolled through the movies.

Daniel: How about Mean Girls?

I nodded. Daniel put the movie on. It got quite annoying as Daniel started to say all the lines. I pulled my phone out. Carter had texted me.

Why do they always text me when I'm out.


How's it going?

Um. A little annoying.
Daniel is saying all the lines
From mean girls.... Help!    .

Oh. So he's one of
Those People.


Sucks for you.

Pray for me. 😩🙏

Pray for yourself.

That was rude and

Who asked?


Carter left me on read. I looked back up, realizing Daniel was reading the texts. I turned off the phone and focused my attention on the movie.

Daniel: Sorry. I tend to do that when I enjoy a movie.

I looked at him as he awkwardly smiled. I rolled my eyes and smirked as I focused my attention back on the movie that was about to end.

Daniel: This is still one of the best movies out there.

I nodded as Daniel turned his computer off.

Daniel: How long are you staying? Or are you sleeping here?

I looked down at my phone.

Joey: Maybe in an hour or two.

Daniel nodded as he laid down on the bed. I laid down on top of him.

Daniel: What the hell are you doing? I can't breathe.

Joey: Then why is your chest moving up and down?

Daniel: I don't know.

I got off of him and laid next to him, my head resting on his chest. We laid there for a few minutes. In silence.
(I'm getting extremely tired while writing this.) I looked up at him. He was already looking down at me. He smiled and brought my chin up, connecting our lips.


My eyes were slowly closing as I was writing this.

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