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Daniel: how do you feel? What are you hungry for?

Joey: We'll. after that encounter for last night, defiantly not fast food.

We all laughed.

Daniel: I agree.

Connor: Um. Coffee?

Joey: You always want coffee Connor!

Connor: Because it's the best thing that's happened to this world. Obviously!

Danel: Actually. I kind of feel like having coffee.

Joey: Fine. We can get coffee.

Connor: Woo hoo!

Connor cheered as we walked to the Starbucks that was coincidently across the street from us. We walked up to the line.

Daniel: What are you getting?

Joey: Soy latte.

He nodded.

Joey: You?

Daniel: A simple green tea.

Joey: You sure love tea.

Daniel: I love to spill it too.

Joey: Oh my god.

I playfully hit his shoulder.  Connor: Id like just a black coffee. No sugar or creme.

I raised my eyebrows. We all ordered and sat down at a table.

Joey: Black coffee!?

Connor: I've been getting into it...

Joey: You are insane.

Connor: So how's the wedding planning going!

I heard Daniel shuffle in the seat next to me.

Joey: We haven't started. We are both too busy.

Connor: You're not busy right now. What flowers do you want?

I shrugged and looked down at my hands folded on my lap.

Connor: How do you not know!?

Joey: I just don't, ok!?

The called Connors name.

Daniel: Are you ok?

I looked up at him and nodded.

Joey: It's just frustrating. People have been asking me so many questions about it and I don't even know if I still want to get married yet.

I laid my head on his shoulder.

Connor: I brought y- Oh.

I took my head off his shoulder and grabbed my drink. It felt warm in my hand but I didn't really mind. The rest of the time there was awkward silence.

Connor: I have to go. Joey?

I stopped following Daniel and turned to him. He moved his head away from me and then Back.

Connor: Are you cheating on Carter?

Joey: Why would I want to put someone In the exact position I was in high school? It sucked you know.

Connor: I know. It's just the way you guys have been acting around each other... And didn't you say that You and Carter have been fighting constantly latley?

Joey: Yes.

Connor: Spend time with him.

Joey: I can try.

Daniel: You coming?

I turned to Daniel and nodded.

Connor: Try it Joey.

I didn't turn back as I followed Daniel to his car.

Daniel: What did he say? He looked serious.

Joey: It was nothing, Really. He always looks serious.

He only nodded as we entered his car.

Daniel: I was thinking.

Joey: About what?

Daniel: High school.

Joey: Don't remind me. That's in the past.

Daniel: No. I just. I'm sorry. I was so rude and everything. I was dumb enough to cheat on you. I really am sorry Joey.

Joey: It's fine honestly. You made a mistake. We all do. But What made you change? (This part is so cheesy...)

Daniel: My mom. She found out about quite a few things. She threatened to send me to rehab or one of those army training things if I didn't change.

Joey: What did she find out about?

Daniel: I came home drunk from collage one night. With all the piercing still on and everything.

He chuckled as he turned a street.

Daniel: Then while we were still in high school I realized how stupid I was. I saw you fall in love with Carter. It really hurt me. I know it didn't hurt me as much as it did you but it did. I tried talking to you but you seemed so happy again. I didn't want to ruin it for you. So I just stopped.

Joey: Believe me. I tried my best to block you out. To block everything that reminded me of you out. And it worked.

Daniel: I can see that. It worked. We hadn't talked for over 7 years. Collage defiantly helped.

Joey: Yah. It did.

I smiled to myself as we pulled up to my house.

Daniel: Would you and Carter like to come over? For dinner?

Joey: Tonight?

He nodded.

Joey: I can try getting him to stop doing work. Maybe. If he cooperates with me.

Daniel: Alright. I'll see you tonight?

Joey: Maybe.

I hugged him goodbye and excited his car.


Slowly but surely getting really into Bts...

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