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Carter sat on top of my bathroom counter. I told Daniel to wait downstairs in the living room.

Joey: Are you sure you're ok?

Carter: I'm perfect. My mouth will just be a little sore for a bit and there's a giant cut on the inside of my lip but I'm great.

He smiled sarcastically and put a thumbs up.

Joey: Stop being sarcastic Carter. I'm being serious.

Carter: It's just hurts. I'm fine. Really.

Joey: Are you mad at him?

Carter: Would you?

Joey: Well I guess.

I ran my fingers through my hair.

Joey: I am now. I couldn't imagine what you feel though.

Carter: Why did you let him come anyways?

Joey: I don't know. He just kind of... Followed me?

Carter rolled his eyes and got off the counter. I followed him into my room.

Carter: Can he leave?

Carter say at the foot of my bed.

Joey: Why?

Carter: Did you see what he did to me?

Joey: He was nice after...

Only because he felt bad for you. He elbowed you in the nose for crying out Loud!

Joey: He didn't mean it Carter.

Carter: Really, Joey?

I bit y lip and turned away from Carter's gaze.

Carter: I've got to go home... Did you see my glasses?

Joey: You were wearing them at the park... They probably fell off when Daniel...

I trailed off as Carter nodded.

Carter: I'll just wear my spare ones.

He cheesier smiled as we went out of the room.

Joey: Do you want me to walk you home?

Carter: Nah. I'm fine.

I watched as Carter walked out. I closed the door and turned around. Daniel was behind me, making me jump.

Joey: You scared me!

He laughed a bit.

Daniel: sorry.

Joey: It's fine.

Daniel: Do you mind if I stay a bit longer? My parents will kill me if they found out I missed 2 periods...

Joey: I guess.

We walked over to the living room and sat down on the couch.

He shook his he's and brought out his phone. I grabbed the remote from the tv and turned it on. I decided on Scream Queens. Daniel immediately put his phone down and glued his eyes to the tv.

Daniel: This is my all time favorite show!

Joey: Really?

I raised my eyebrow.

Daniel: I'm gayer than I look.

I shook my head and focused my attention on the tv. A few minutes passed and top lip began to feel wet. I touched it, seeing blood on the fingers again.

Joey: Fuck.

I got up, only to be pushed gently back.

Daniel: Let me help.

His eyes followed concern as he ran to the kitchen. He came back with quite a few paper towels. He sat close to me and placed one of the towels on my nose, slightly squeezing it.

Joey: What are y-

Daniel: You have to squeeze it a bit to close the open vein.

He looked into my eyes, making butterflies form in my stomache. He cleaned the area of my face the blood fell upon. He then tossed the paper towel in a plastic bag he had brought.

Daniel: There. All Better.

We stared into each others eyes for a bit Until he looked away. I placed both hands on his cheeks making him look at me, and connected our lips.


Omg! They're kissing!!! Yah I know... Short chapter. I might update later depending on how I feel. ;)

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