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I watched as Joey walked over to his friends table. He faintly smiled at each of his friends then he put his head down on the table.

Sawyer: What's wrong? Are you and Joey okay? He hasn't been sitting with us for a few days.

Daniel: I don't know. He's been acting so down and depressed latley. I've asked him why but he just says that it's nothing.

Sawyer: Do you think he knows? About you and Arsen?

I shook my head.

Daniel: He would've broken up with me...

Cat: You must have no feelings. I don't understand how you could treat someone as caring as Joey like that. No wonder he's down. You probably don't even take the time to care or actually sit down with him and talk.

Daniel: I said I've tried! Now can you just stop getting in my relationships?

Cat: I don't think that's a relationship Daniel.

Cat got up and strutted away. I breathed out and placed my head in my hands.

Sawyer: Your going to have choose someday Daniel.

I heard him and Julian get up, leaving me by myself.


Carter: I really think we should go crystal shopping today. That will cheer you up.

Joey: I guess.

Connor: It'll be fun. Then we can go and watch a movie. We'll help you get through this.

Carter: We can always just take a trip somewhere. Get us all out of the city for once. I can drive. Besides, we have a week off coming up for parent teacher conferences... We can go on a plane... We just want you to be happy again Joey. I want you to be happy again.

I looked up and half smiled.

Joey: We don't have to go out of the city... And crystal shopping sounds nice. We can always just rent a movie and just buy a whole lot of junk food.

Carter and Connor looked at me, smiling.

Carter: That's the spirit! Now we'll all meet after school, in front of your class.

Me and Connor nodded.

The Bell for 4th period rang. We all got up and said our goodbyes.


Connor: Are you excited.

Joey: Not excited. But I'm relieved. I just want to take my mind off of this mess I brought upon myself.

Connor placed his hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes.

Connor: This isn't your fault. It's Daniels. Don't blame yourself.

I nodded and turned around. I saw Daniel walk into the room so I instantly turned back around.

Joey: Act natural.

Connor gave me a confused look but shrugged.

Joey: So how's your love life?

Connor shrugged.

Joey: Do you like anyone???

Connor: We'll there's this one boy. You know him. He has first period with us. He's tall with brown hair and the sharpest of cheekbones and jawline, ugh he's so hot.

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