Chapter 11

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Alex's POV

Well, here I am at the party sitting in the kitchen with a drink in my hand. Alone. Well you see I would make more sense if I started from earlier wouldn't it. Ok here goes.

++++++++++6 hours earlier+++++++

Right when we got home Kayla made me get in the shower. Something about me taking forever when I shave my legs. I don't know I just kind if tuned her out for a while.

So I've just finished my shower, feeling all fresh and clean. With nicely shaven legs, if I do say so my self. I wrap my body in a big white fluffy towel. And walk out. Kayla rushes over to me and sits me in front of my vanity and gives me a blow dryer, while she goes and takes a shower.

By the time she's done with her shower I have just finished blow drying my hair. (She takes really fast showers. I don't know how she does it.) she comes over after changing into some comfy clothes and starts to curl my hair.

When she's done, she tells me to get my outfit on while she does her hair. So, I go into my closet and get dressed.

When I'm done, I come out and see Kayla waiting for me. She decided to straighten her hair. So it didn't take her that long.

"Oh. Good your done. Come here." Kayla said motioning over to my vanity.

When I sat down, Kayla started to put my makeup on for me. I've never really been good at it. She had put in a natural looking smokey eye. With mascara and lipstick.

I sat down on my bed while I waited for Kayla to finish her makeup. She did a natural smokey eye too and some lipstick with mascara as well. When she was done we got into the car and drove to the party.

When we got there I could practically feel the music on the ground. I could also see a bunch of drunk teenagers all around the yard. We went into the house because the door was already open. Right as we got into the house Kayla was whisked away by some kid in my maths class, I think his name was Tom. I'm not sure.

So I went to the kitchen and got a drink. And that's where I am now. I still haven't seen Kayla. I wonder where she is? Oh well. I was about to reach for another drink when my hand collided with someone else's. I looked up and gasped.

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