Werewolf in Paris

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My father and uncles have went to the grill for an emergency. They did something they had never done before. They left me home alone. I knew right away what that meant...... MOVIE NIGHT. I get to watch what I want. I can watch werewolf in Paris, without offending anyone in the house. I get my popcorn ready and walk to the living room. I sit on my couch and press play while I cover myself up. I place the popcorn in my lap as the beginning credits run across the screen. I begin to watch the story unfold then I hear "And Katherine said this would be hard?" I stand and put my popcorn on the table as I face him. "Who are you?" The man looked at me and said as if disapproved. "You don't recognize family. What kind of kid is my brother raising?" I got confused as I looked for my exits as my family had always told me to do.

"I'm sorry, you' re my uncle?" He smiled and said "Uncle Fin. Now where are my brothers?" I smiled and said sweetly. "Awww. That's right. My father and Uncles have mentioned you. Dad is at Uncle Damon and Stefan's house. Uncle Elijah went somewhere when Auntie Bex and Uncle Kol left. But you can get your ass right out my door." Then I ran to the door as fast as I could. I made it to the front door and into the woods. I ran as Daddy had instructed me to do. As fast as I could toward Uncle Damon's house. I made it to my uncle's house when I opened the door and run inside and remember my phone in my back pocket. I get it out and push Dad's picture. I hold it to my ear and hear the ringing. Then voicemail picks up. I then speak when I hear the beep. "Daddy. Uncle Fin has come and I ran like to you told me but no one is here." Then I hang up. I ran to the cellar and think of cell down there. I run down there and open the door. I stand on the wall he wouldn't be able to see me as he walked in the door. When I saw him enter the cell door, I backed out and closed the door and locked it with only a little trouble. I stood across the hall from him and as he yelled at me "You are the spawn of Satan, and my mother will see you burn." I ran up the stairs as my phone rang. I took it out of my back pocket and saw who it was as I put it to my ear "Daddy, I'm at uncle Damon's." Then I heard a woman say "And you will be going with me to see grandma dearest." I stood and saw Elena. I laughed and said "Elena I can beat you remember. We should Uncle D this yesterday." He came up and grabbed my arm and said "Mommy and Daddy never told you about Auntie Katherine? I'm hurt." She says as she punches me and I see only blackness.

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