Saint Peters Academy. 32.

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It felt good to be back inside the hallways of Saint Peters. The now familiar stone brick buildings, the wide spacious lawns, and the intricately maintained gardens. All seeming adding to a place I was beginning to consider home.

I made my way through the corridors, past the teacher’s lounge where I first met Ashcroft, past the gym where we would always train, into the dormitory wing. Just as I was reaching the elevator for the third floor I felt a hand wrap around my arm, tugging myself and my luggage into an industrial closet.

“Nean, I'm so glad you're back.”

I looked up at the incompetent face and wondered how I once found that so attractive.

“Warren? What the fuck are you doing!”

“Nean, it's okay. I know why you broke up with me. You wanted to have fun with hot European boys over the term break. I get it. I hooked up with a few chicks too. I don't mind. I promise if you ask nicely I wont make a big deal about it. We're good together you know. So ask me out and I promise not to tell the boys you came back begging for me.”

I stood there, mouth agape, barely understanding what was being said. Was he serious?

“Warren, I'm sorry but were over. I didn't hook up with anyone over break. That's definitely not why I broke up with you.”

“But, then, what, Why did you break up with me?”

“Will, I'm just not interested in you in that way. It's not like we were ever really together anyhow. I mean, we kissed what, three times? Everyone else was always around too much.”

“But, No. Girls don't break up with me. I'm Warren fucking Wilson. This isn't right. You're meant to be begging for me back by now.”

“I'm sorry Warren but I'm not getting back with you. I need to go unpack. If you'll excuse me I'll be heading to my room now.”

I pushed my way past a flabbergasted Warren, out of the closet and into the nearest open elevator.

Stupid egotistical prep boy ass.

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