Epilogue -- Being the Girl

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 So everyone it really is the end now. Ahh! I'm gonna miss this so much! I'll write a big author's note at the end explaining some stuff and then it'll be over, but PLEASE READ THE AUTHOR'S NOTE AT THE END. A big thanks to 830freckles for making this banner over to the side too! But thank you guys for reading and this is just to show how the rest of Danni's life plays out so it'll change time periods a lot, but I hope you like it!


6 Months Later

“Congratulations, graduating class of 2012!” Screams erupted around me as we all threw our hats up into the air like all graduates did. I quickly retrieved mine, a giant smile on my face. Soon I felt arms wrap around me from behind. My giant smile became even bigger as I turned around to get a kiss.

I quickly kissed him back before I pulled back. He smiled, looking at me with pure love. “We graduated.”

“Craziest year ever. I just can’t believe senior year is over,” I said.

Alex nodded, agreeing. “Best year ever is more like it.” He leaned in to kiss me again, but I felt arms pull me away. I turn around, knowing who it was instantly. I threw my arms around Garrett.

He picked me up and twirled me around. I laughed as he sat me down. All of the other guys had now found us in the swarm of kids and we were all group hugging. I laughed as we pulled back. I looked over to see all the mom's and dad's taking pictures of us, including Garrett’s mom and dad. I rushed up and hugged them. “Danni! I’m sorry your parents couldn’t make it,” she said sympathetically. I shrugged. I had figured they would have been busy. “But I promise to take a million pictures for them.” I laughed.

I laughed as we all got pictures together. We did serious ones, but she told us to take some stupid pictures too. Me and Garrett hugging, me and Ashton  making stupid faces, me and Ryan making peace signs, me and Logan sticking our tongues out, me and Trevor standing back to back making guns out of our hands, me and Noah making rock and roll signs, me and Alex kissing, and finally a giant group picture of us all doing something stupid. I laughed again.

I was going to miss some of my friends. Me, Alex, Garrett, Ashton, Noah, and Ryan all had decided to stay closer to home and go to Ohio State. I was glad so many of us chose and got accepted into the same college. Whereas Logan decided to go to Kent State, and Trevor decided to go to the University of Akron. Of course I was going to miss the hell out of them, but they would always be my best friends in my heart.

Alex wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. “Ready to start packing?”

I rolled my eyes. “We’ve got summer still.”

He laughed. “That’s right summer. Just me and you all summer,” he whispered, getting closer and closer. Our lips were about to meet when someone had to interrupt us.

“And us!” Noah said, butting in. He put an arm around both of us. I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him. After we told the guys we were getting back together, they went crazy. After Alex explaining his story, begging, pleading, threatening, and some taking action on the threatening, they had all agreed and were warming up to us again.

I finally smiled and wrapped my arms around his back and Ashton's who was at my other side. “And you guys too. This is going to be the best summer ever."

6 Years Later

I laughed and bumped him with my hip. Alex looked down at me and smiled. He intertwined our hands as we walked through the park. We were back home for a while and Alex asked me to go back to the old park that we had gone to a lot when we were in high school. I missed the old park.

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