08 -- Kiss and Yell

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Hey guys! I'm really sorry about the cliffhanger last time, but I'm trying to make it up by updating early. I promise the wait will be worth it.

Also I  did post that short story and I would really appreciate it if you guys would take a look at it! It would mean the world to me:)

I love you guys! Thanks so much for doing everything that you do! You're the best fans ever and if you ever need anything just tell me! I'll stop talking and let you to get what happened.


Alex walked me back to my locker. Ashley tripped me again. Alex tried to catch me, but I ended pulling him down with me. He fell on top of me. Ashley rolled her eyes and walked away.

“How come this always happens to us?” I asked laughing.

He stared into my eyes. “You don’t need that excuse for a guy. You need a real guy, Danni.” He kissed me gently. I don’t know why, but I kissed him back. He put his arms around my waist. I put mine around his neck.

I completely forgot that we were at school. I felt the tingly feeling. That was where I remembered it from. When I kissed him at McDonalds I had felt the sparks. “Danni?” I pulled back and looked over at Cody.

“Cody! It’s not what it looks like!” I jumped up and ran towards him.

He shook his head and backed up. “No, it’s not. We’re over, Danni.” He ran away. I started to run after him, but Alex grabbed me.

“Too late. There goes your extra ten bucks.”

I turned bright red with rage. I could not believe Alex. He did that so I would lose the bet. “You-you freaking asshole! You knew he would see! You did this to ruin my bet! I hate you!” I ran away. Everybody was waiting for me at my car. I jumped into the driver’s side yelling. “Get a ride with Garrett!” Everybody looked at me like I was crazy and backed up.

Ashton jumped in the passenger’s side. I drove to the park in silence. I jumped out and sat on one of the swings. “What’s the matter?” Ashton asked sitting on the swing next to me.

I gave him an empty smile. “You won the bet.”

He gathered me into a hug. “I told you, you had feelings for him.” I shook my head. “So how’d it happen?”

“No way, he was just my extra ten bucks. Ashley tripped me and Alex tried to grab me but he fell on top of me. Then he said, ‘You don’t need that excuse for a guy. You need a real guy, Danni.’ And then he kissed me when Cody saw and broke up with me. But he just did it for me to lose the bet!”

He hugged me tighter. “You’ll be okay.” I smiled and pulled back.

“Thanks, but like I said. He was just some guy for a bet. I’ll still get fifty bucks. I’m fine,” I lied. The truth was I felt like a piece of crap. I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry and eat nothing but bacon. Most girls would want cookie dough. I wanted bacon. But I couldn’t do that. I was stronger than that.

He raised an eyebrow. “Are you?” I ran into his arms again. “Hey, it’s fine. Like I said, you will be okay. And don’t worry. I won’t tell the other guys.”

I didn’t go to Garrett’s house. I drove Ashton home and then went to my house and watched TV. Which is what I did the next day, and the next day, until Friday. I hadn’t talked to Alex the rest of the week. I still couldn’t believe he made me loose the bet, and my boyfriend. The dance was tomorrow and I didn’t have a dress or anyone to go with.

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