24 -- Down and Dirty and Sand Soccer

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Hey everybody! I'm sorry this took so long. I've been busy with my BRAND NEW STORY! Yeah I uploaded that story I told you guys about. It would be awesome if you guys could please check it out for me. It's called The Designer of Mortal Hearts and it's a paranormal romance. It would mean so much if you looked at it!

Anyway I tried to upload yesterday, but my Wattpad was being stupid and it didn't save so I couldn't upload. So sorry again. Thanks for reading! Please comment and vote and check out my new story! You guys rock!


“We’re here! We’re really here!” I yelled excitedly. My mom huffed and carried in her luggage. My dad had to leave on an emergency meeting and my mother was mad she had to do all the work. I rolled my eyes. She needed to work because she never had to work before.

I felt somebody from behind me wrap their hands around my waist. I smiled and looked up at Alex’s eyes. He kissed my forehead. “We’re really here,” he laughed mocking me. I rolled my eyes and began to make a wicked comeback.

I felt water rush all over my body. I screamed and looked over at Trevor who was holding a bucket over us. “Logan you’re so dead!” I screamed. He laughed and ran over to the ocean. I tackled him into the ocean. He was all wet too. I smiled and stood up. Everyone was laughing. I eyed them.

I looked over at Garrett. I smiled. “Garrett!” I yelled at him. He looked over at me and his eyes got big as he saw me about to jump on him. I laughed as we hit the sand. I hugged Garrett getting him all wet. He scowled at me. I smiled happily. “You know you love me Garreypoo.”

He laughed. I kissed his cheek. “Looks like you got some competition Alex,” Noah laughed. Alex rolled his eyes with a serious expression on his face.

I smirked. “You should be scared Alex. Garrett’s a real charmer.” I smiled and kissed Garrett. I pulled back and looked over at Alex. He clenched his fists and walked over to some random girl whose boobs were hanging out of her bikini. He kissed her. I gasped and stood up outraged.

He pulled back and smiled. She smiled too. He walked back over to us. “What the hell was that?” I asked horrified.

He shrugged like it was nothing. “You kissed Garrett.”

I shook my head. “I can’t believe you! Garrett’s our friend! He knew I was just kidding! He wasn’t some random stranger chick that will try something more!” I yelled. He just shrugged. I glared at him angrily.

I looked over at a random group of guys. I smirked at Alex and went and kissed one. He stuck his tongue in my mouth. I didn’t stop him. The guy wrapped his arms around me as we kissed for a while. I wanted to make Alex as mad as possible. He deserved it. That dick.

I pulled back and looked at the guy. He looked twenty one at the least. I smiled and winked at him before walking over to them. All the guys stared at me. I shrugged. “He started it.” I walked to the house.

I could not believe Alex. How could he go make out with some random stranger? I walked into my room and slammed the door. Alex walked in and slammed the door again.  “What is your problem?” My problem? How could he ask what my problem was?

I glared at him. “What is your problem?! I just barely jokingly kissed Garrett and you go make out with some random chick?”

He glared. “At least that girl wasn’t shoving her tongue down my throat! I mean that guy practically choked you and you just let him!” I rolled my eyes. So I might have let him, big deal. He was the one who kissed some random chick first. Don’t do the crime if you can’t pay the time. Alex should know that with me.

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