33 -- Loads of Garbage and Superheros

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Ahhh I'm sorry again! I know I keep updating late but I've been sooo busy! Basically my schedule is school, basketball, shower, eat, very few minutes of writing, sleep. With all these tests and finals piling up I can't find time to do anything. I barely was able to squeeze this in (I'm supposed to be studying. SH!). So I'm sorry and after the holidays hopefully I'll get to write more. So thanks for understanding.

Thanks for reading. You guys are awesome! I have the best fans ever! So it would mean a lot if you commented, voted, and fanned. Thanks!


 “How could you do this?!” I heard someone yell waking me up from my needed sleep.

I opened my eyes and bolted upright. Noah was glaring at Alex. “It was both of our choices! She wanted it too! She agreed! You can’t pin this on me!” he yelled. I groaned and plopped back down. Couldn’t they shut up for another hour so I could sleep? Why couldn’t they just stop fighting? It was a sucky enough day as is.

“You knew everyone would be out to get her once this happened! You knew that all the girls were going to hate her and all the guys were going to want her, but you didn’t care! You didn’t consider it because you’re too blind! It wasn’t the right choice, Alex!”

I sighed knowing I was going to have to break this up. “She knew too! We made this choice together! I wouldn’t have done this if it was going to hurt her!”

“It already has, Alex! Look at her! She got jumped by Reese! She—”

I was sick of this. “Shut up! Just shut the hell up both of you!” They both stared at me dumbfounded. “Noah, Alex is right I agreed to it. I knew that everyone would be out to get me, but I want to be with him. It’s so hard keeping it a secret at school and when soccer starts it would have been worse. I wanted this.”

He shook his head. “Danni this isn’t the right choice.”

I nodded trying to get them to understand. “Yes it is, Noah I promise. Besides if it gets bad enough we’ll fake breakup and everything will go back to normal,” I explained.

Garrett stood up. “Danni, we need to talk,” he said dragging me upstairs into his room. I jumped onto his bed and he glared at me. “Danni, Noah’s right. You saw what happened. You and Alex got hurt just so you can be together at school when you can’t really be physically together because I’m not letting you two do PDA. And yes, you can fake breakup, but it won’t be the same. Everyone else will still be out to get you.”

I looked down. “But…” I sighed and buried my face in a pillow and screamed. I threw the pillow in a random direction. I was confused, but I was determined that this was the right thing. “It’s going to be so much easier not having to lie to everyone.”

He sighed and pulled me into a hug. That’s when I saw the black bruise on his jaw. “Oh Garrett. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you guys to get hurt. I wish you guys didn’t show up; I mean Alex got-Alex! Oh shit he’s hurt!” I yelled and ran downstairs.

I grabbed a washcloth out of the kitchen and ran to Alex. He had dried blood all over his face and his shirt and bruises everywhere. I sat in his lap and gently rubbed his face. “Alex, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you to get hurt. If I had just-”

He rolled his eyes. “Danni, shut up.” I raised an eyebrow at him, but he shrugged. “Are you going to fight with an injured person?” he asked. I rolled my eyes but a smile played on my lips.

After I had gotten all of the blood off, but the bruises had to heal on their own, I took off his shirt. All of the guys stared at me. “What it’s all bloody!” Noah was glaring at Alex intensely. I just wished they all understood that we knew this was going to happen and we chose to do it anyway.

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