01 -- Red Bull and Narnia

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Hola beautiful people. I am super, super excited to get this started with. This is my sequel to Being the Girl. Now you don't have to read Being the Girl to read this, however I will put some stuff from Being the Girl into this story so it might confuse you just a little bit if you don't but you'd still be okay.

I know it's been a while coming and I'm sorry about that I just needed some time to start my other story. And if this story doesn't go how I planned, I might delete it. I have no idea when updates will be and it might be crappy because it's just an experiment so I need my fans to hang in there through this one.

Anyway I hope you all enjoy it! Please comment, vote, fan, add to your library, and everything else. Thanks!


            “Yes!” I jumped up onto the table in the middle of the lunchroom and started to do my victory dance. “I won! I won! I won, I won, I won! Suck it!” I stuffed the cash in Reese’s face. He flinched away from it like it was poison and crossed his arms over his chest, mumbling. I hesitantly sat back down with a smug smile on my face. “Why so down, Reesey?” He shot me a glare. “Never doubt my skills to chug Red Bull, guys.”

            “I hope you choke on your food,” Reese mumbled under his breath. My eyes immediately shot over to him as I gave him the death glare. His eyes got wide as he coughed. I was about to say something, but we were interrupted.

            A few girls walked by and blatantly pointed at me. I heard their not-so-quiet whispering as they cupped their mouth with their hands and stared at me as if that quieted the sound. “Yeah, that’s her. She’s a freak, isn’t she?” The other two girls burst out into laughter, nodding, and walked away.

            I rolled my eyes. Spencer elbowed me. “Don’t worry about it, Sam. They’re the freaks. I mean, did you see how much make up was caked on their faces? They belong in a wild zoo.” I looked over at Spence and we both cracked up. The girls looked back at us in disgust as we high-fived.

            I had never particularly liked girls, especially since I had grown up around guys. My mom and dad’s best friends all had boys the same age as me, so naturally I grew up with them and became their best friends. Don’t get me wrong, I tried to be friends with girls when I was in first grade. That resulted in the girl taking all of my markers, crayons, and trying to kiss Dustin. Even in first grade girls were bitches that tried to use you. So I swore never to try and be friends with them before.

            “But damn those girls are fine.” We all looked over at Reese who was staring at their asses. When they turned around, he winked at them. Xavier smacked the back of his head. “Ow! What was that for?!”

            Xavier rolled his eyes. Reese squirted a packet of ketchup at Xavier, getting it in his hair and all over his face. I gasped before I burst out laughing. Xavier opened a packet of ketchup, trying to squirt it back at Reese, but he ducked and hit Jace. Soon everyone was drenched in sticky, red ketchup.

            Ms. Burch was suddenly hovering over us, her scowl prominent. We all looked up. “What are you doing?” Nobody said a word. “Detention. Tomorrow. It would be today, but there’s a teacher’s meeting after school. Don’t skip or it will be extended.” She gave us a final glare before walking off.

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