Chapter 16

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"Hey, Andy, can I go with my friends to their gig? It's today," I questioned Andy as he cooked breakfast for everyone.
"Who's going to be there?" He stopped stirring the pan and gave me a stern state.
"The band, people, Livey, and I don't know who else."
He thought for a moment and then answered, "You can go, but don't do anything I wouldn't do."
I jumped off the stool I was on and ran behind him. I wrapped my arms from behind him and gave him a tight hug, "Thanks!"

Livey, of course, said she wanted to come, so she put on a dress and makeup. Instead of getting dolled up, I just threw on a Fall Out Boy shirt and black skinny jeans. I did put on a tiny bit of make up, but only a thin line of eyeliner and a coat of mascara.
I was finished when Brax texted me. He was waiting outside. I rushed Livey to finish and then ran downstairs. Andy told me to be careful and all those other generic parent things as I kisses his cheek, and then I was out the door.
Andy stood in the doorway and waited for me to get in the car. Once he saw me buckle up, he shut the door and went to do whatever he does when I'm not around.

The entire way there we screamed along to different songs. Some Fall Out Boy and Greenday was thrown in the mix, but it was mostly Twenty Øne Pilots. I screamed so loud. I thought my lungs were going to fall out. That would be terrible considering I was due to perform with my friends.
As we drove up, the guys turned the volume lower and parked close to the back entrance. They thought it would be quicker to move the instruments being close. It turns out it was true.

Everything was set. Everyone was in their positions, except for Braxton and I. He gave me a bright smile and reached for my hand. I met him halfway and squeezed it tight.
I could hear the waiter from last time announce the band, and then Brax let go of my hand and ran onstage. The guys introduced themselves, earning screams from the girls. Even a few guys' voices could be picked out from the thick crowd.
"We have a special guest with us tonight," Brax stated my que, and I walked on stage. The crowd cheered, making me give a shy smile and a wave. "This is Korinna. She sang with us last time."
Only seconds later, Tom banged several times on his drums and then the show started.

"That was amazing!" Olivia yelled in my face, breaking me away from Brax. Giving a small laugh, pushed her away. She ran up to Tom and clung to his neck, screaming about how good he was, too.
Brax crept back to my side and stealthily took my hand once again. No one must've seen, if they would've, they would be screaming, especially because of what happened during the duet we did. We followed the group back to the car. Braxton and I got stuck in the very back row, not that I minded very much. I could hold his warm hand all I wanted since no one would see.
"You know you were great out there, right?" Braxton complemented me.
I shot the complement down, "I was nowhere near how good you were."
"Why don't you ever take a complement?" He leaned closer to me. His fingers moved a stray piece of hair away from my eyes. I blushed, but only shrug. I honestly never even noticed until he pointed it out. "You really should."
I sighed but nodded, "Compliments are new to me. I've never gotten one until recently." The car jerked to a stop and the door opened. Brax gave my cheek a quick peck and then I climbed out.
Even though Livey was the first one out, she took forever saying goodbye to Tom, so I told the rest of the guys bye and made my way to the door. I heard Livey run to catch up with me. She was out of breathe when we reached the door and the van drove away.
Andy and Phil were waiting in the living room with matching expressions: one eyebrow raised and a blank stare. "Did y'all have fun?"
Livey answered for the both of us, "Yea, Kor sang with the guys. I recorded some parts if you guys want to watch some."
I panicked and prayed she wouldn't show the duet. She played a few videos and then she got to that one, the duet. I groaned.
The video only lasted about 30 seconds, but those 30 seconds were enough for Andy to ban me from being around Brax for a long time.
During the duet, which was actually a love song, Brax held my hand and kissed my cheek. Sure it wasn't even much, but Andy was very protective.

"You just had to show him that video!" I moaned as Olivia apologized once again. I groaned and marched to my room.
"Olivia showed Andy the duet, now I'm banned from seeing you," I texted Brax.
A few minutes passed and he texted back, "But, why?!"
I explained how Andy was really protective and all that stuff. "I'll convince him to still let us be friends!" I added an evil purple devil smiling at the end (😈). "Friends" didn't sound right, but I didn't change it.

** I can't believe this has gotten over 500 hundred views!! Thank you guys so much !!**

Andy Hurley Adopted Me! (Fall Out Boy fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang