Chapter 26

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  Phil didn't return that night, or the next. I was beginning to worry that he wouldn't ever comeback.
  The house was very quiet, due to it being before sunrise. My brain wouldn't stay asleep. It would drift from Olivia baby situation, to Phil, and even then Braxton.
  That boy has done some voodoo on me. Ok maybe more like he is unaware of his affect on me. He makes me feel things I've never felt before and could never explain. I think about him all the time, even when we're together. Maybe I have a little crush on him. Just a little one, not anything to worry about. It'll pass eventually.
Tom and Olivia decided to give their relationship another try. He didn't care about her being pregnant, although he was still upset about her cheating. For a long time, I thought they were perfect for each other. I used to be able to picture their future wedding, how elegant it would be. And how they would grow old together.
Now, I don't see them as a long term couple. Especially not now that's she's pregnant with another man's baby. They had drifted to far in that period of silence. Personally, I don't think they'll last a week, but they wanted to give it another go.
No one knew anything about the dad other than his name, Clyde. Olivia hasn't even described him. She hasn't even made an effort to contact him about their child.
My head snapped up as the door opened. In came Phil, drunk and noisey. His clothes were thrown everywhere and his eyes were blood shot. As he stumbled up the stairs, I wrote a note, "Take these ~ Kor," and grabbed a few headache pills. I filled up a glass of water and climbed the stairs.
Before I even opened his door, I could hear his snores. Silently, I opened the door and placed the medicine, water, and note on his bedside table. He was going through a lot. His daughter was pregnant with an unknown guy, any dad, adopted or not, would freak.
I left his room and went to the kitchen. The icebox light blinded me in the darkness as I opened the doors. I grabbed a small to-go container and smiled at the contents : tacos. I slowly ate them as I waited for other people to wake up.
  After hours of waiting, the first person came down the stairs. Not surprisingly, it was Andy  carrying his gym bag.
  He gave a large smile when he noticed me, "Good mornin', kiddo. What's Goya you up so early?"
  I shrugged, "Couldn't sleep. Phil's back by the way, came in earlier."
  He gave a sigh, but then his face brightened up and turned to me, "Would you like to come to the gym with me?"
  On the inside, I was cringing, hard. Not wanting to hurt his feelings, I agreed. Not only was I going to be able to get out of the house for the first time in a while, the gym time could double as bonding time.
  I ran upstairs and threw on a completely new workout outfit. Clad in black, the whole outfit reeked of new clothes, so I sprayed some perfume and stopped For a moment to glance at myself in the mirror. Not the worst I've seen.
  I'm not an athletic person, hence all the clothes being new. I've never even thought of working out. When I first moved in with the guys, I bought some gym clothes just in case I would ever need them, and hey, look at that, they did.
  I met him in his already started car. "I've never been athletic in my life, so I'm not doing f anything hard," I set the rules right as I opened the car door.
  He chuckled, "I'll show you the ropes and then I'll let you go on your own if you like."
  The gym was only a few minutes from the house. When we walked in, a few nodded our way. A few must've been workout buddies or friends because they came up to us and introduced themselves to me. We all headed to the back.
  Andy showed me some stretches, which we did together, then some exercises on the machines.
  "Don't push you limit," Andy warned.
  I have him a flat stare, then exclaimed, "I don't even know my limit."
  "Start off on the lowest setting and then work your way up," he instructed and then began walking to the furthest machine.
  The more I worked out, the calmer u felt. My legs, arms, and abdomen burned as though they were on fire, but I liked the fire. The burn helped me get my mind off the situations at home.
  I was actually  enjoying myself a little when a random guy, who looked around my age, cleared his throat. I stopped doing my exercises and faced him with an annoyed expression, "Yes?"
  "Jus' wanted to come up an' how beautiful you are," the guy flashed a grin. Just as I was about to thank him, he got closer and continued, "Someone as beautiful as you shouldn't be left alone at any time."
  His sick smirk made my stomach turn. Was that some kind of threat? Or a really terrible pickup line?
  "I'm not alone," my defensive tone made him get closer. "Mhmm... Feisty," he leaned in like he would be going in for a kiss.
  I stood up from my seat and kissed him, with my fist. He clutched his face from my blow and cried out, "What the-"
  He was interrupted by Andy before he could finish. Andy was right by my side pulling the pervert away. He crouched to my level since I sat back down, "Are you okay? What happened?"
  I glared at the guy who was being whisked away by security guards, "The perv tried to kiss me, so I punched him."
  A smile took over his face, a proud one, "That's my girl."
  He offered to take me home, but I refused. Instead, I just watched Andy as he worked out, not wanting to cause any inconvenience.
  He was doing sets three times are long and five times the weight. How could such a small man be so strong?
  Once we got home, Andy fixed us lunch. It was simple sandwiches, yet I guzzled mine. I had been starving, those tacos didn't fill me up.
  I invited Brax over, with Andy's permission of course. When he got here, I told him the whole story with the words the guy told me. His eyes were furious by the time if inside my story.
  "If I would've been there, I'd given him a second dose," Brax admitted in a serious tone.
  A small smile broke into my face, "Thanks."
  He gave me a confused look, "For what?"
  Wrapping my arms around him, I explained, "For always being there for me."
  "I'll always be there for you," Brax state deep into my eyes. All the furiousness was gone, replaced with a new emotion. An emotion which I didn't know. His eyes flickered to my lips. The next thing you know I'm standing on my tiptoes and the first to lean in. His lips met me half way. Sparks flew as our lips connected. My eyes shut as I let him lead, being I had no experience. The kiss lasted maybe thirty seconds, until a knock made us fly apart. Our eyes met and I gave him a shy grin. He gave me a bright smile. And that's how we stared at one another until the person walked in.
  Olivia strides in, smiling sheepishly, "Did I interrupt something?"

  I feel like such a bad author. But I have to stay with my aunt for a while because my parents are moving back to Louisiana. I've had absolutely no time to write or Ben think about my story. I'll try to get another update up by Saturday:)

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