Chapter 6

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"Where are we going?" I piped.

"To the mall," Patrick told me.

"EWw there's people there," I groaned and hit my head against the head rest. They laughed at me, making me mumble and groan some more. I handed my a black aux cord to Patrick and told him to plug it into the radio. I nudged Olivia and she picked a song.

"DUH...." A piano key started, and I looked at Livey silently cursing her, but I still bellowed the lyrics. "When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city to see the marching band!"
"Can we go to the music store?" I questioned and they agreed. I did this skip hop walk as they all laughed at me.

"We invited some friends," Pete informed us and I immediately turned my head to him and stopped jumping.

"Who?" Olivia beat me to the question. Pete just smirked and continued didn't answer.

We pleaded for one of the guys to tell us who was going to accompany us today, but they all didn't answer. Olivia and I got annoyed so we marched the whole way inside the mall.

"We are meeting them by the food court," Patrick directed us to where the meeting location would be: right in front of a junky fast food station. We scanned the area, but didn't see any people we recognized, so we got food and waited.

They were running a little late, so Livey and I stuffed our faces with burgers fries. I got my burger with only mayonnaise because I'm a plane person, while Olivia got hers with everything available. The guys already ate so they just talked, but we were to busy eating to talk or even notice when two guys came up behind us.

"Hey!" A voice that I would recognize from anywhere called. I picked my head up faster than I could think his name. I chocked on my food as I saw the Way brothers behind me. I coughed a few times and Gerard and Mikey laughed at me.

Fall Out Boy introduced Olivia and I, I couldn't even say anything. All I wanted to do was fangirl, but I didn't think that was appropriate. The guys were all wearing sunglasses and hats at an attempt to blend in, which was working so far.

"So I take it that you girls are fans," Gerard basically stated the obvious. Olivia and I nodded our heads vigorously.

"I'm Thomas. Is there anything that I can help you with?" a worker asked as we walked into the merch store.

"I'm Olivia and this is Korinna," she Livey introduced us. The guy checked out Olivia, but she was oblivious **that kinda almost rhymed**.

The guys stayed by the front as the worker lead us to the band merch. Thomas winked at Olivia and walked back to the counter.

"Dude, he was so checking you out!" I teased.

"No he wasn't," Livey's cheeks turned the color of ripe tomatoes. I rolled my eyes and began browsing.
"Your total is $247.62," Thomas said. Andy paid for our stuff and we began to leave. Thomas have Livey a wink and handed her a paper with, no doubt, his number. Phil looked ready murder the dude, but that quickly passed and then we were off to the music store.
"Can we leave yet?" I whined as the guys dragged us around the mall.

"After we go to the makeup place," Gerard promised and I rolled my eyes.

"Didn't you just go, like 3 days ago?" Mikey asked him.

Gerard gave him a glare, "That doesn't matter." We all laughed and walked to the last stop, thank goodness. He found his color of powder and then we finally were free to go.

We told Gee and Mikey bye and they promised that they would hangout with us sometime. The whole way home, we screamed along to the songs on the radio.

"We are leaving for tour tomorrow, but we get a few breaks every once and a while," Andy said as we headed for the building. We nodded and gave them each a hug. They gave us their numbers for emergencies or just to talk.

After the guys left, Livey and I went to her room. We chatted about our day, by chat I mean fangirled.

•••Olivia or Korinna?•••

~~~Young Volcanoes~~~


Andy Hurley Adopted Me! (Fall Out Boy fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ