Chapter 25

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Our staring contest didn't falter. The statement was so sudden and unsuspected.

Olivia was pregnant, and I couldn't believe that. she was only seventeen, how was she going to care for a baby at seventeen?

"Does the father know?" I questioned curiously.

"No, I haven't told anyone," Olivia sniffled.

"Not even Phil?" I asked in disbelief.

"Not even Phil," she confirmed looking away.

I got up and paced the length of her room. I wasn't even the pregnant one and here I was worrying about what everyone would think and say.

Poor Tom! He loved her so much. I hope they can get through this together, but I don't know how he would get over his girlfriend cheating and being pregnant by some random guy at a party,

"Who's the dad?"

"Clyde,' she whispered in a defeated tone. That's all she knew about the guy and she was impregnated by him. I wished I could tell her that it wasn't her fault, but that'd be lying. She's the one who got drunk, even though it was accidental, and got real cozy with a stranger. Who knew if the guy was a complete wackjob.

My body turned to her, "You have to tell everyone."

"I can't!" she hid her face behind her hands.

"Why not?" I pried. Everyone was going to find out eventually. Would she rather them find out when her water bursts and floods the house, or now?

"Because I'm scared," she admitted.

"You have to take the responsibility of your actions. Even if you weren't ready to be a mom, guess what, that sucks! In only a few months, you're going to have a baby. Don't you think everyone deserves to know?" Not telling anyone was unfair to everyone. Tom was broken hearted because of her. Just wait until he finds out the truth.

"They do! Its just that..." she trailed off and whimpered.

"Just what? You're too scared? well you're going to have to suck it up, sweetheart, because life's scary and you have to face it. Sorry if I'm being harsh, but you're the one who got yourself into this situation," my rant made her cringe. I knew I was being rough, but I was just stating the truth.

"Fine, I'll tell them now."

We stayed in her room for a few moments making a game plan. She'd tell Tom both mistakes at once, before she announced her pregnancy to everyone.

Not knowing what would happen was terrifying. We didn't know how anyone would take it. Let's just hope everything goes smoothly.

Being the messenger, I retrieved Tom and informed him that Olivia wanted to speak with him. When he questioned, "Why," I just shrugged. I didn't want to be thrown into the crossfire more than I already was. Already too deep, I would have to help clean up Olivia's mess.

I found Braxton up, and eating, after I sent Tom away. Forcing a smile, I sat next to him.

"What's wrong?" Brax dropped his fork and turned to me. He must've been able to see through my fake smile. He's the only one who's able to differentiate my real smiles from my fakes. That made it so much harder to pretend everything was alright.

Sighing, I stated, "Not my story to tell, but I think you'll find out in a few moments."

He nodded and kissed my forehead. He was too sweet. Every little gesture, like the kisses, the hugs, and the hand holding, made my fondness for him grow. I'm not sure if he knew his effect on me or not. Being just friends was killing me. I wanted to be more, but I wasn't sure if he felt the same.
A door slammed from upstairs, followed by loud steps down the stairs. Tom rounded the corner and stormed outside, not making eye contact with anyone.
I waited a few moments until after the front door shut to go check on Tom. He sat in the front of the house, balancing on the edge of the porch. Even without being able to see his face, I could see Tom was angry. His shoulders were tense and his fist clinched so hard that they had turned an unnatural shade of white.
"You okay?" I put my hand on his shoulder. The question was stupid. How would you feel after you find out your girlfriend cheated AND was pregnant?
  He looked at me with watery eyes, "I just found out that the girl I loved cheated on me. Oh, and she's pregnant! How do you think I feel?"
  As I sat next to him, I pulled him into a hug. I could hear him sniffling into my shoulder. Soon, the sniffles turned into sobs. This was the first time I'd ever seen Tom cry.
  I couldn't blame him for crying though. If that happened with Brax, I would be torn. Just thinking about it made my hand reach for my necklace.
  I stayed with Tom for a long time, until Jack came get us. Olivia was going to do a family meeting.
  We all found seats. Brax had saved me one on the couch next to him. Everyone was there. Olivia looked to me and I nodded, encouraging her. She swallowed hard and then took a deep breathe. Then she started, "I know I've been distant lately, and I'm truly sorry, but I've made a mistake. Please don't hate me after I say this. It was an accident," she paused, seeming to think over her words. Everyone anxiously waited for her to finish.
  "I'm pregnant."
  Everyone's eyes flew to Tom. He shook his head with big eyes. He wasn't the father, but no one knew that.
  Phil got up and walked to Tom, "You got her pregnant?" His rage could be felt from where I was sitting.
  "I-it wasn't m-me!" Tom stammered. If I were Tom, I'd be nervous too. A big man who was ready to kill right in my face, uhmm, no thanks. I'll pass.
  "Well then who was it?" My friends squirmed under Phil's sharp glare. He looked my direction, yet I didn't even know. I shrugged instead.
  Olivia decided to interrupt, "None of them. It was some random guy named Clyde! I was drunk!"
  Phil snapped his head to her, shook it, and then stormed out of the house. Andy, Patrick, Pete, and Joe didn't seem angry, only shocked. They all told her they'd help her and support her.
  "Just let him cool off for a while," Patrick warned. I wouldn't want to get in the way of an angry Phil, not even if I was paid.
  Jack and Zack actually looked really excited for the baby, even though Olivia was a little upset. They asked how long she has been pregnant for, which the answer was five months. They started picking names for the baby.
  I left them to fantasize their soon to be 'nephew' or 'niece'. Brax followed me into my room. That was enough commotion for one day, instead, we just hung out, not saying much and just enjoying each other's presence.
  Im sorry I haven't been able to upload. But here ya goooo!!

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