Chapter 7

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"Korinna!" A harsh voice screamed, but all I saw was darkness. "Korinna!" The voice was unmistakeable. He kept screaming my name and the noise slowly started coming closer. I couldn't move, his voice has haunted me for years, but I though it was over.

"Scrrrrr," a door squealed opens sb light flooded the room. He stepped inside and I jumped out of my frozen state. I quickly scanned the room and found a door, so I ran to it. I wasn't so lucky, though. It was locked.

"Korinna," he whispered with an eve smirk as her inched closer, "It's payback time." He lunged at me and I screamed.

Sweat dropped down my face as I sat up. Deep breaths, in and out, I cracked myself. My eyes flitted around the room. Where was I? My eyes landed on a girl with blonde hair in a bed across from mine: Sasha. I was still in the orphanage. My breathes evened out, but there was no way I was going back to sleep, so I just payed there.
The clock on the wall said 4 am. Two hours since 'he' awoke me up from my sleep. Two hours and he still was in my mind.

I decided to drag myself out of bed. I crept out of the door, careful not to wake Miss 'Im Better Than Everyone'. The wooden hallway was old and empty. The floor boards creaked and cracked as I walked. This place was a lot creepier at night than during the day.

I walked to the kitchen and got a glass of water. I decided to not let the man in my dreams dictate my life anymore. He controlled me for 16 years and now he's gone. My father isn't here anymore, so how is he still controlling everything I do?

I tiptoed to the bar stools and sat at the counter. I slowly sipped at the drink in my hand, trying to distract myself. But my mind always went back to him.

I quietly grunted and whispered, "From this day on, I will not let him control my life. He's gone. He should not be allowed to anymore. It's my life, I'll control it." I got up from the tall chair and put the glass in the sink. I carelessly walked back to my room, unaware of some else's presence.

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~Fourth of July~
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