Chapter 24

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  "Korinna!" I heard someone yell. Simply rolling over and paying no attention to the voice, and shoved my face into my pillow.
  Next thing you know, my door is thrown open and a furious Andy took up the fortress. My body sprung out of bed. It didn't make it far, though. My feet caught on somethings on the floor. I landed with a thud, only to see Brax laying on my floor.
  "Yes, Andy?" I groaned and stood up, careful not to step on the still sleeping Braxton. How in the world could he sleep through Andy yelling and me falling over him. He's an insane sleeper.
  Andy's face got read and he looked flustered. "Uhmm... Never Mind." He quickly left the room, carefully closing the door not to cause a noise.
  Guess I was right, if Andy saw us in the same bed, he'd freak. If Andy would've saw us actually in the bed together, I'm positive it would've been ten times worse.
  I wasn't  tired anymore from the wake up call. Brax cracked his eyes open as I shook his shoulder. I told him he could lay in my bed so he wouldn't have to stay on the floor any longer. Groggily standing, he fell into my bed.
   It was already almost noon, so I just decided to stay up and go downstairs. The rest of my friends were passed out on the living room couches, which was expected. Being the only one up, besides Andy, who most likely is hiding in the gym, I decided to make breakfast.
As I cooked, my mind wandered to Olivia. She still hasn't talked to me. It's been months. I still have no idea what I've done for her to act this way towards me. She just ignores everyone who retires to speak with her. She's supposed to be my best friend, but not even friends act like that. Friends actually talk. Friends hang out. Friends don't ignore each other for 5 months.
  Olivia was not being a friend and I had enough.
  Making the entire household pancakes, I put a few to the side so I could bring them to Livey. I added strawberries and bananas. I knew she really like those fruit. If this doesn't work, then I don't know what will.
  Carefully, I walked up the long staircase. Spilling this plate of food would get me so upset. Once I got to her door, I held my breath as I knocked.
  After ten knocks, she finally opened the door. I took in her outfit. She wore baggy sweatpants and a loose shirt. The shirt hung weirdly against her body. Along the shoulder and top, it was a looser than the stomach area. She must be gaining weight. Her eyes had huge bags under them and she looked so tired.
  When she saw what I was holding, she gave a  small smile.
  "I have no idea why you're ignoring me and everyone else, but I brought this as a peace offering. It's been so long and I miss my best friend," my lips have a big smile as I pushed the plate to her.
  Grabbing it, she sighed, "want to come in?"
  Smiling widely, I walked in and say on her messy unmade bed. As a common reaction, my eyes scanned the room. Nothing much had changed.
  Olivia placed the plate on her might stand and then joined me on the bed. She faced me, let out a deep breathe, and then spit out really fast, "I cheated on Tom."
  My jaw slackened, I was not expecting that.
  "Before you ask 'Why?', I'll just explain what happened," she cut me off before I could even begin.
  "Tom and I were supposed to go to a party together, this was before I started ignoring everyone, but he canceled last minute. Of course I wasn't angry, but I still went to the party. Some girls promised me that it would be the hottest party of the year.
  "When I got there, the party was a bust. There wasn't even music playing m. Thinking maybe it just wasn't full swing yet, even though the house was crowded, I stayed. I found the refreshments and poured me a drink from the big bottles of soda. Little did I know, the bottles were actually spiked. I drank so many, and some dude came talk to me. He seemed nice and all so I kept the conversation growing. I was so drunk by then, I didn't even notice that he was drunk and that I was about to make a huge mistake. He pulled me out of the crowd and into a side room. You can guess what happened next."
Her eyes watered as she kept them trained across the room, never leaving their spot on the wall.
  "Does he know?" I whispered.
  The tears were rolling now, "No."
  Shushing her, my arms wrapped around her shoulders as she began sobbing. Her head fell onto my shoulder. I rubbed my hand on her back in circles, "But why did you ignore everyone?"
  All of her noises stopped. The room got silent, the only sound was our breathing. Her eyes bore into mine.
  "I'm pregnant."

Who expected that huh?? Probably a bunch of people, but oh well. I don't think I'm going to be able to post as much this week and next week because stuff happens.

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