Chapter 18

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  "Hurry up, Olivia!" I screamed as I gave Andy and the rest of the guys a hug. Phil was driving us to our first day of school, and even though I loathe the place, I'm a person of punctuality.
  I cannot stand being late to anything. You know that person who always arrived thirty minutes early? Well, that's always me. The feeling of being late was just a huge weight I didn't like bearing.

  "Bye, Phil!" I waved as I left  the car.
  The school building stood high in front of me. There had to be at least two floors and it stretched what looked to be at least a half of a mile long. The bricks were different shades of grey colored bricks that matched the schools personality.
  Olivia walked right behind me, but she said nothing. The last time we had an actual conversation was probably a week ago. She hasn't tried, I have. All she's done is shot my efforts down.
  I did a little hop jog as I came closer to the front entrance. Our friends were supposed to be there waiting for us. I haven't seen them since the last gig and I was overly joyed to be with them again.
  As soon as I stepped foot in the fortress, I was knocked to the side. Jack and Zack held on to me for dear life. My hands struggled to hit their backs as I gasped for air. It took them a few minutes, but they got the message and let go.
  Zack placed his hand on my shoulder, "We missed you!" Jack nodded along to his statement. I rolled my eyes.
We all pulled out our schedules and compared classes. Brax and Tom were in 12th while the rest of us were in 11th. Livey and I had one class together while I had two classes with Zack and Jack. We all had the same lunch, thank goodness.
  Brax walked with me with me to my first period. The others went to their own classes.
  He gave me a hug before we departed, " I've missed you, Kor."
  I blushed and whispered back, "I've missed you, too, Braxy."
  He scowled at the nickname, but left for his class. The bell rang and I took a seat all the way in the back. I liked to see everything going on. If there's no one behind me, then they can't do anything to me.
  The short middle aged lady introduced herself as Mrs. Turner. That's when I stopped paying attention.
  We were let out of class and everyone was rushing. With my luck, I accidentally knocked into someone. I quickly apologized with out looking at them.
  "What where you're going!" A dude with blonde hair and a letterman jacket yelled. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back. The movement scared me. I quickly flung my fist at his face.
  "Do NOT touch me," I seethed and started on my way to my next class only to be whisked away by a teacher.

  "You have after school detention for a week and I'm going to call your father," the teacher, who I assume is actually the principal, told me. I shrugged. Andy is going to be angry, but I don't like being touched. The only people allowed to is my family and friends.
  I stayed in the office until lunch. It was between third and fourth period. I sent the guys a quick text that I would be running a little late since the office was on the other side of the school.
  The halls were silent except for the echoing of my converse. It gave me the creeps being alone in the halls. They seemed ten times as long compared to when everyone else was crowded in the halls.
  It took my forever to finally get to the lunchroom. I told the guys what happened and they all laughed. Livey scowled as I told my story. Something must've really crawled up her butt and died.
  "Dude, you got detention on the first day?" Jack questioned.
  I nodded and smirked, "what can I say? I'm just so  awesome that school wants me to stay for longer."  Zack giggled. It was too adorable.
  "We have another  gig Friday. It's at another restaurant, but we wanted you to sing with Braxton," Tom explained as he pulled Livey closer to him with his arm. She barely even talked with him anymore, but he was just so blind by how much he liked her.
  "I would love to," I paused, " if Andy would let me. You all know his 'no seeing those boys again' rule." They all grumbled. The twins sat on either side of me and they both plopped their heads on my shoulders. They were exactly like each other. Their sadness made me promise myself to make Andy let me go one way or another.

  "Phil, my favorite uncle!" I yelled as I got in the car and gave him a bright smile.
  He stared at me and deadpanned, "What do you want?"
  I feigned a gasp and put my hand to my chest, "My dear uncle, why would you think I want something?" He gave me a blank stare. I sighed. "Fine, my friends have a gig and I'm almost 100% Andy won't let me go, so I was wondering if you'd try to convince him to let me."
He shook his head and turned his attention to the road in front of him as we crept forward, "No can do, kiddo."

  "Pattykins!" I yelled as I ran to Patrick's room. The door slammed open. Patrick sat at his desk with papers messily thrown everywhere.
  He looked up, "Yes, Kor?"
  "Well, my friends are having a gig Friday and I need you to convince Andy to let me go!" I begged.
  "Okay, I'll try."
  "Thanks, Patty!"

  Only two pages into homework, Andy called me downstairs. I was so going to get grounded. My work flew across my bed and I slowly crept downstairs. As soon as Andy saw me, "Korinna, why do you have a detention on your first day?" He didn't sound angry, but he normally was a chill man.
  "I accidentally bumped into to this guy as I was leaving my first class. He told me to watch where I was going. Of course, that's not why I smashed his face. I tried walking away, but he pulled me back and I panicked. My fist rammed his face before I even thought about it," I explained honestly.
  "Next time, knock the dude out." Andy smiled and gave me hug. I stayed frozen by his actions. They were opposite to most.

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