Chapter 5

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"Hey," a girl with black hair and grey eyes greeted me. I nodded my head as I walked to a tree and sat under it. "I'm Olivia," the girl introduced herself, but I stayed quiet. "I saw you perform with Fall Out Boy last night, so I know you're Korinna. Fall Out Boy is my Favorite band."

That made me speak up, "They are my favorite, too."

"Favorite band member?"

I gave her a blank stare, "How could you have a favorite?"

"Well, mine is Pete."

"Before blonde hair or after?"

"After," she answered. I nodded and we continued firing questions to each other.
"EWWW, it's the two emos," Sasha walked past us.

I rolled my eyes, "Ewww, what is that?" I asked livey as I pointed to Sasha. She gasped and Olivia laughed.

"I don't know is it an escaped gorilla?" Livey played along.

Sasha huffed and turned on her heel and then walked back to her group of blondes.

Livey and I laughed as Sasha made hand gestures as she told her 'friends' what happened, no doubt explaining what happened with some add ins.

"So what other bands do you listen to?" Olivia asked me. I listed a really long list, careful not to miss any band. "Do you want to hang out in my room?" She offered. I nodded and followed her to her room.

  She opened the door and we walked to a bed with black covers. The walls on this side were covered with band posters, while the other was bare. I admired the posters as livey got up to get something.

  "Look!" Olivia exclaimed as she pointed to a video titled, "Random girl performs with FOB." I rolled my eyes.

  "Did people really make several rumor videos?"I noticed several videos pointing my suspicions were correct.

  "Yes, now be quiet!" Olivia shushed me and pressed play.
  "That was horrible!" I cried after the video finished.

  "It was wonderful!" Olivia assured me. My eyes rolled on their own. It's not my fault they have their own mind.

  Olivia and I traded numbers and laughed at what we saved each other as. I was 'Girl Patrick' and she was 'New Bestie'.

  "Korinna Fisher, please come to the office," someone called on the intercom system.

  I rolled my eyes and got up, "Why are they so obsessed with me? You coming?"


  We walked out of the room and made our way to the office, ignoring the states of the people as we walked by.

  "What's up with them?" I whispered to Livey gesturing to all the people watching us.

  "Well, I guess when the two antisocial kids actually talk to someone besides the self and comes out of the room, they think it's weird," she laughed. I joined in the laugh as we continued our journey.

  "Eww, it's you guys," I joked as I saw who waited in the office.

  "That's not nice," Patrick pouted.

  "This is Olivia," I pointed to her. She was looking at them with wide eyes and her mouth wide open. "Don't worry, you'll get used to their ugliness," I told her. The guys all objected as I stood there laughing like a hyena.

  The guys have Olivia a hug and then me. I took a picture of the guys and Livey and then we got down to business.

  "We don't leave until the morning and so we thought we could bring you somewhere," Andy told me.

  "Can this idiot come?" I questioned and she hit me. I hit her twice as hard on the shoulder, making her cry out in pain. "Oops, my fist slipped," I shrugged.

  "Yea she can come," Pete confirmed.

  "YAY!" We both yelled and ran out of the building with the guys trailing us.

  "Phil!" I screamed and ran into his open arms.

  "Hey, kiddo."

  "This is Olivia," I beamed.

  His face went a little slack when he saw her face, but he quickly fixed it.

  "Come on, slow pokes!" We teased as they were only half way.

  "I don't sports," Patrick protested. We rolled out eyes and jumped into the middle seats. Phil took the drivers seat and started the van.

  "Are you serious?" Joe groaned when he saw Olivia and I stole the middle seats.

  "YEP!" I affirmed. Patrick sat in the front seat while Pete, Joe, and Andy climbed in the very back. They all squished side by side. I took a photo of them and laughed.

•••What do you think about Olivia?•••


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