Chapter 15

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"Hey, Kor, we have a gig Friday, and we wanted to know if you wanted to sing a few songs with us?" Brax asked me as he laid on my bed.
I nodded, "If Andy will let, I shall." I jumped on the side of him and let out a huge sigh. "School starts a in a few weeks!"
He gave me a grin, "This is my last year."
I groaned, "I don't want to go!"
"No one does," he told me, but that was an understatement. Everyone loathed it, except the popular kids and the really smart people. And from my past years at my old school, I'm neither. The only good thing about my new school is that my friends go there, so hopefully it is decent. As I fretted over school, Brax played with my hands.
Livey went on a secret date with Tom, and Andy had to his gym. They had some huge meeting today that he couldn't miss, and I did not want to go. Exercise and I don't mix. The only reason Andy let Braxton come is because "I'm a good kid" and he want me to be alone with old men who would probably force me to rob a bank with them.
My stomach rumbled, breaking the silence and, I whined, "I'm hungry. Wanna go get some food from downstairs?" Brax nodded and got off of my bed. He turned back expectantly. "I don't feel like walking." He rolled his eyes, but turned back around and let me climb onto his back. I smiled as I shoved my face into his back. He smelled so good, like what I think a model should smell like. Not drowned in cologne, but slightly sprinkled with it.
I guess I breathed the scent in too hard because he asked, "Are you sniffing me?"
I felt my cheeks get hot and quickly declined, but I could feel him give off a silent laugh. As we walked downstairs I heard someone aw, so I turned my head to see who it was.
It was Patrick and he held his phone up to us, I assume taking pictures. He fawned, "You guys are so cute!" That made my cheeks flame up even more.
Once we made it to the kitchen, I grabbed a bag of plain, salty potato chips and then directed us to the living room. He rolled me onto the couch, but I wasn't smart enough to let go. Braxton came falling on top of me. He quickly rolled off and I sat up, giving him room to sit.
"You want some?" I held the opened bag to Brax with a smirk. When he went to grab one, I quickly yanked the bag away and laughed.
"That's not very nice," Braxton scolded and then started tickling me. I dropped the chips on accident while I tried to bat his hands away.
  My laughs were immobilizing me as I chocked out, "Stop it!" I felt my phone vibrate, "I have a message. I- I have to check it."
  I felt his finger slowly come to a stop. "Fine."
  I opened my phone it it said I had a message from Patrick, so I opened it. Four pictures of Brax and I stood on the screen. One was of me on his back, then another was of his arm around me. The last two were of him tickling me.
  "Patrick, you're more of a stalker than I am!" I yelled as loud as I could, making Brax jump. I heard giggles coming from another room.
  Brax took my phone and pressed a few buttons. I wasn't one of those people who freaked when someone even looked at my screen, so I let him do whatever. He handed it back to me.
  We got right to work on cleaning up the spilled chips. Occasionally we would eat a few good ones.
  Once we were done, I heard the front door swing open and Olivia screamed, "I'm back! I even saved some hobos!"
  "Best friend!" Jack and Zack flung themselves on me. The air left my body and I hit their backs until they released me. I took a huge breath of air as soon as I was free from the death grip. And they asked about Friday, which I have them the same answer as I did Braxton, "If Andy lets." Then Zack stole my good chips and I called him a jerk.

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