Chapter 11

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  As soon as we walked through the door, words came flying at me. "That was sick!", "Dude! You have to sing with us sometime," and "Your voice is amazing!" we're a few of the sentences that I heard coming from the guys' mouths. They all gave me a hug at the same time, all except one: Braxton.
  My eyes lingered on him as he propped himself on the couch. My mouth turned up into a smirk as he saw my eyes resting on him.
  The guys let go of me and found their seats as Brax stood up. "You have a pretty good voice," he smiled and also gave me a hug now that the rest of the boys sat down. A blush conquered my face, thank goodness for hair! He laughed at my red face I attempted to cover with my hair, only making the Crimson deeper.
  Brax placed his arm across my shoulders and guided me to the sofa he previously resided, but his arm never left my shoulders.
  My nerves were above sky level. My green eyes flittered every where except on Braxton. A small smile crept onto my lips as I saw Thomas and Olivia whispering about something, grins covering their faces.
  Zack and Jack sat across from us, "So are you guys brothers?"
  They nodded and Jack responded, "We are twins, but I received all of the handsome genes." I laughed while Zack gave a glare to his brother and a soft punch to the shoulder.
  "Well I got all of the talent genes!" Zack retaliated. They kept going on about who got what better until Zack cockily smirked, "Well Korinna likes me better."
  Jack gasped and both brothers turned to me with expecting eyes, but I just shut my mouth and pretended to zip it closed. And then I threw the key away.
  They grumbled some more and then got up, pushing each other as they walked out of the door.
  My eyes locked on Livey and Thomas, who sat side by side, hand in hand. They were so adorable, a grin made its way onto my face.
"What are you grinning at?" Brax queried.
  I looked at him and giggled, might I add for the first time in a while, "They are just too cute! Did Tom tell you how they met? It was pretty average, but Tom was fuming!" I blabbered.
  "He told me a little bit of it. He said there were some dudes that looked like Fall Out Boy with you," Brax told me.
  "That was Fall Out Boy!" I cried while laughing, "Let's just say, we go back a few months."
  "What?" He asked flabbergasted.
  I turned to face him fully and sat crisscross on the couch. "That was the Fall Out Boy band; Joe, Andy, Pete, Patrick, and my favorite body guard, Phil."
  Brax sat there looking at me for a while, I guess contemplating wether I was telling the truth or not. When he finally came up with his answer, his head faced Tom and Livey across the room and he shouted, "Tom! That was Fall Out Boy!"
  Livey and I busted out laughing at the aw stricken faces.
  "Oh shoot! Livey we have to go!" I called as I checked the time. The guys and I exchanged numbers and then we left.
  Zack had saved himself as "The Favorite Twin", while Jack saved himself as "The Handsome One".  I chuckled at their contacts on the way back to the orphanage.
  We arrived back at the orphanage just in time. Livey followed me up to my room, but we both stopped and decided to go to hers when we heard girls screeching over some boy band.
  "I'm sleeping in here, no way do I want to go near those screeching banshees," I stated and plopped myself on Livey's bed.
  Livey got out a paper and then we started each writing a question about bands and we had to guess the answer to each other's.
  One of Livey's questions asked,"Cutest band member?"  
I naturally put Patrick Stump because she always fangirled over his hotness.
  After we checked all of the answers, I noticed she marked on wrong, so I looked at it. It was the cutest band member one.
  "How is this wrong? You always scream over him."
  "The eighth answer is Thomas Mctosh," she smirked as I threw a pillow at her. She grabbed it and started hitting me repeatedly with it.
  As I shielded my self with my arms I yelled, "That's  an  opinion. That not even fair!"
  She ignored me as she kept beating me with the pillow.
  I rolled away from her and grabbed a pillow to fight back with.
  Soon we had a massive pillow fight, ending with a torn pillow. We shoved the pillows guts back into the pillow case and hoped that no one noticed.
~~~Jet Pack Blues~~~

Andy Hurley Adopted Me! (Fall Out Boy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now