28 - Opening Up

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Chapter 28 | Opening Up

—Edward's POV—

I was in the lobby of the hospital, well, Therapy/Mental Institute lobby, already dressed in an all red uniform. I was already depressed. My mom keeps on asking me all these questions, asking if I'm okay and stuff, but I don't feel like talking. Soon enough the doctor came in and told me she was ready for me.

"Edward, you'll be fine," dad said patting my back,"I believe in you, we believe in you."

I didn't respond, but hugged everyone. Skyler even left a little kiss on my cheek. I smiled a little before they told me I needed to hurry up. Are they really rushing me?

"We love you, honey?" mom whispered before her and dad kissed my cheek. She hugged me one last time. This would be the last time I see my mom for a month. An entire month. Just like last time.

Just like last time.

I felt a tap on my shoulder but ingnored it and squeezed my mom tighter, sobbing. She comforted me, but asked for someone to get me because I wouldn't let go. They started to pry me off of her and she stepped back into my fathers arms while I was trashing in securities. They started carrying me down the hallways and it felt as if they got tighter and tighter. I yelled out to her, but she just sent me a look of pity before shaking her head. I reached out for her, but that was it. She was gone.


Handcuffs. Not the most comfortable wrist accessory out there, but its what I have to settle for; cuffed to a metal chair with my head on the table, giving up all hope that my parents will come back. The door opened and in came the same therapist I've met multiple times. I wonder if my parents are outside that glass again just like they were last time.

"Hello Edward, I'm Patrica."

I stayed silent and kept my head on the table and ignored her presence. I refuse to talk to some done-up about how I feel. Its not about feelings! Just leave me alone!

"Well," she said,"lets cut to the chase, is there anything you'd like to talk about?"

Yes, actually. Why are you even attempting to help me? I'm a lost cause. Just let me be and I'll leave. Simple as that. But instead I'm being asked ridiculous questions I'll probably never answer.

"Edward, I cant help you if you don't let me help you. You're making this harder than it should be. You don't belong on here so —"

"So why am I here!?" I yelled. She looked at me shocked and I dropped my head back on the table. "Why am I here again?"

"Edward —"


She cleared her throat. "Ed, no one will know. It'll just be me and you. I wont tell anybody. I promise." she finished bending her head down to the table and looking directly at me.

"How can I believe you?" I whispered to her.

She smiled and stroked my hair making me close my eyes. It was always relaxing to have my mom comb through my hair with her fingers.

"I want you to be comfortable with me. You just have to believe that I'll help you. Can you?"

I opened my eyes and nodded. "Yes."


Patrica and I walked around the squared courtyard outside while I explained to her how my life has been a living Hell. She didn't interrupt once; cough, sneeze, nothing. She simply listened and as I got to tougher things to explain, she'd sit on the bench beside me and hug me, telling me I'm stronger then I claim myself to be.

"What do you like to do in your spare time?" she asks.

"Write music, play guitar, I'm off and on with piano still but I'm learning it. My buddy, Drake, is teaching me. He's the drummer of the band." I said.

"Well, I know piano. You want me to teach you?"

I shrugged. What could go wrong? "Sure."


"So just practice that everyday and you'll eventually get the hang of it." Pat said. I smiled and nodded at her. She started messing with the keys and laughing a little, probably to herself. I smiled, still looking at the 40 year old before me. She glanced over at me and smiled. "You know, I had a son."

"Had?" I asked, my eyebrows furring in confusion.

"Yeah. He passed just last year," she sighed and her hands fell into her lap,"Matty was such a smart young man. His father left before he was born and I was left with him. I didn't mind though. Matty was all I needed."

"Its okay," I said turning to her,"let it out."

She sighed, tears rolling down her cheeks. "He was walking home one day and some boys from his school jumped him in an alley way. They shot him three times. They killed my little boy."

I hugged her tightly, letting her cry on my shoulder. I honestly thought I would've hated this lady, but, to be honest, she is already another important person in my life.

"You just remind me of him so much. So smart, but lacking love. I just—I'm so sorry." she cried.

"Pat, you literally changed me mind in a day. You treat me like a son and I wanna say thank you for that. Not a lot of people care about you when you're in a Mental Institute." I said. "Stop beating up yourself up. You're a great friend so you must be a perfect mother."

And she smiles. "You must be the perfect son."

"Far from it." I said while she layed her head on my chest, wrapping her arms around my torso in another hug.

"I don't believe you."



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