7 - As The Day Ends. . .

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Chapter 7 | As The Day Ends. . .

--Edward's Pov--

I woke up around 10 A.M. by someone shaking me lightly. I squinted my eyes, blinking a few times to help me see, and sat up. I looked up to Hal who was dressed in jean shorts, my hoodie, and some hightop Nike's. She smiled at me and opened a piece of paper. Over the top it read Adventure Time. I smiled and got up. She put the paper in her pocket and I wrapped my arms around her waist. She stood on her tippy-toes and leaned up to kiss me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I smiled at her when we parted.

'I love you.' I signed.

She smiled. 'I can say I love you too.'

I smiled hugged her back, kissing her cheek. I walked off to the bathroom and felt someone hit my butt. I turned to Hal and she winked at me, bitting her lip. God, she's hot.


By 12 o'clock, Skyler, Hal, and I were set for our adventure. I was holding Hal's hand while we stood in the living room getting a massive speech from Louis.

"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." I said in Hal's ear. She giggled and Louis glared at us and we stopped laughing for about 3 seconds before laughing really hard. "Okay. We're done."

"Good. Now..." And blah, blah, blah.

Finally he dismissed us and Skyler hopped up on my back with a spool of yarn. We walked off the bus tied the string onto a tree before heading off with a string trail. After about 3 minutes Skyler saw a rock she thought was cool and made me put her down. She pulled her iPod out her pocket and took a few pictures while me and Hal just stood there, holding hands.

Our adventure was actually fun.


By the time we got back to the bus it was 7 P.M. and it started to drizzle so everyone stayed inside. We were watching some movie called Silver Linings. Me and Hal were closest to the Tv, sharing a bowel of popcorn, her head on my chest.

'Their love for each other makes me want to cry.' Hal signed.

'So if I did that for you, would you cry?' I signed.

'It'd be Niagara Falls.'

'Looks like I have something to work on.'

She scoffed and looked back at the Tv. Both of us were so engrossed into the film we didn't hear everyone else shuffle out the room to their bunks. A splash went down beside me and I heard Hal scream. I looked at her and she was drenched. The lights flicked on and there was Blair stranding above us. I stood up angrily, pointing a finger at Blair.

"You!" I said.

"It was an accident." she said with a look of triumph in her eyes. I squinted at her.

"Do you think I'm stupid!? She told me what you were doing to her! This is it! Get over it Blair! We're over! No more Beddy! No more Blair and Ed! No more us! Point, blank, period! She hasn't done a single.thing wrong to you and this is what you do!? You think I'll love you if you snag me away from someone else?! It doesn't work like that Blair!"

"But --"

"I don't care what your excuse is! Its over! I refuse to let you sabotage this family vacation because you aren't satisfied! Half of my fucking life all I had was my mom, and dammit Blair, you gonna have to live with what you've got! No ones gonna hand you life on a plate! Get over yourself."

Pissed, I grabbed Harlow's hand and dragged her into the room. I slammed the door behind me and looked at her.

"You didn't have to yell at her." she said.

"But --"

"You didn't." she said. "Can I dry this hoodie? I really like it."

I laughed and nodded. She skilled it off and I hung it across the shower rack in the bathroom. When I walked back out Hal was on the bed in a tank top and some Soffee shorts. She placed her hair in a bun and smiled up at me. I sat down on the bed beside her and she crawled on my lap, straddling me. I bit my lip and smiled up at her.

'You're so hot.' I signed.

'So are you babe.' she responded.

She leaned forward placing a hand on my chest and the other around my neck. Both of us so close, you could smell the popcorn on our breath. She attatched her lips to mine while stroking my chest, going extremely low. I felt my face heat up as my lower half tightened in my compression shorts and basketball shorts. 2 layers. She looked at me.

'Have you ever had a lap dance?' I shook my head no and she sent me a devious smile. 'Well, you are tonight.'

She grabbed the chair out the corner and placed it in the middle of the room. I sat in it and store at her intently while she swayed her hips, bending down and giving me and full view of her bum. My arms clutched onto the sides of the chair tightly. She came over and sat on my lap and grounded her hips against mine, sometimes in small circles.

"Oh my God." I groaned, throwing me head back. She giggled and buried her head in my nape and lent up more before going faster. I groaned and and she laughed again.

I grabbed her hips and pulled her so close to me, you could feel the heat radiating through both of our 2 layers. She grinned at me.

"I love you so fucking much." I said through clenched teeth.

She kissed the corner of my mouth. "I love you, too."


The next morning we woke up, fully clothed so don't worry, on the bed, well, I was hanging half way off it. Someone was banging on our door and I groaned in frustration before getting up and slinging it open.


"You mean ma'am right?" I opened my eyes all the way and saw my mom standing 2 feet shorter than me with my phone in her hands. "Kelly called."

I nodded and took the phone from her, dialed the number, and waited for Kels to answer. While I waited, mom went ahead and pulled out some clothes for me to wear today.

"Hello Edward."

"Morning Kels. Wassup?"

"I should be asking you that. Why didn't you tell me about this girlfriend of yours?"

"I didn't know I had to." I said.

"Well, you did. And now you have to come back home."

"What? Why?"

"Because Edward, that's how management works. You come out with a girlfriend, you have an interview about her. You would've had to come home early anyways because we have dance routines and songs to record and practice."

"But --"

"See you tomorrow. Bye."

And she hung up.



Harry Styles' Son : Part II ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt