25 - One Night

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Chapter 25 | One Night

—Edward's POV—

"You really don't know how much I needed this." I say to Mary-Jane after solid 10 minute cry.

"Everyone needs to let it out and cry sometimes, Edward. You need to stop pressuring yourself so much and feeling sorry for everyone. Not everyone needs your sympathy."

I just nodded and leaned back on the wall. Somehow, I knew Harlow was lying to me. I always felt like she was but I didn't want to believe it. I just fell harder and harder until she finally let me drop. I should've said no when she first screwed up. Fuck, I should've said no since the damn beginning. She was my friend before my girlfriend and she lied to me. How can I trust her? What if she leaks my number to media? What if she tells my life's story to press? Dammit, I knew I should said no. None of this bullshit would've happened. Yet, here I am crying like a freaking girl on their friends shoulder.

"Mary-Jane," she looks up at me from the pebble she was kicking,"you're not gonna use me, too, are you?" I asked.

She shook her head making her curls bounce around on her head. "I don't even like you like that, Edward, and using you is the last thing I want to do. I'm genuinely glad you're my friend, or at least I consider us friends. We never really talk about friendship."

I smiled. "Of course. Best friends."

We hugged again and I thought I head something behind us, but I just ignored. Its nothing.

"So, you ready to go back inside?" she asked grabbing my hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. I smiled at her and nodded.

We walked inside the building and I went to where everyone was, sitting in the waiting area. The fact that they care enough to wait for me makes me feel happy. Harlow stands up and runs over to me, trying to hug me but I put my hands up. I pulled out my phone and went on the Air Booster App.


"I'm booking you a flight. Be quite." I said, typing in my credit card code on my phone.


"Would you please stop saying my name? I know who I am and I don't need you to repeat it every five seconds." I said glancing up at her. She nodded and watched me intently. I looked up at her and sent a small smile. "There. You have a first class flight back to London tomorrow. Everything is free and hey, I even got you a driver to take you home. Lovely, isn't it? Anyway reservation's under your name and you leave tomorrow morning at 10 a.m.. I got you a cab to take you to JFK airport aswell. I hope you enjoy your night."


"Well, if you lot are ready to go then we should get a move on." I say looking at the watch on my arm. Yazmin walks over to me and loops her arm into mine.


"Good night Harlow. You'll need it for your flight in the morning." I said before stepping out the door into flashing lights. I flashed my signature fake smile and we got in the limo quickly. I sat all the way at the end, looking out the window.

I loved Hal. I really did. No matter how many times I tried to deny it, or how many times I kissed Blair, I loved her. She, I don't know, she understood me. She bought me the video games I wanted. We liked all the same things. We both knew sign language. We had alot in common. Even the fact that we cheated on each other.

"Ed are you alright?" Yaz asked laying her hand on my arm.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I sniffled.

"Ed, she wasn't any good for you, mate." Chad said. I looked over at him and nodded.

"I'm sorry honey. I thought she was better than that." My mom said. I nodded again.

"Sorry Blair for all the crap she put you through. She manipulated me into thinking you were a bitch. So, sorry." I said.

"Its fine Ed." she said.

"Hey now, you'll find your girl. Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow, maybe next month, or maybe next year. Don't think its your fault because its not." Yaz said wiping my eyes. I smiled.


"To be honest, I never liked her." Yaz said.

"I don't think any of us did." Drake said. I laughed.

"Hey Kels, you wanna, uhh..." I said motioning to my face. She grabbed her purse and pulled out her makeup bag. She grabbed my chin and pulled me closer, patting makeup on my face. She nodded with a smile.

"Okay. Since you lot have never really been to a real red carpet event, I just want to say congrats and also don't answer any personal questions. That's all." Kelly said before climbing out the car.

"I guess we're first." Niall said to Paisley. She smiled and nodded. They got out and people started shouting their names aand flashing cameras. Me and Yaz were the last ones in the car. She turned to me.

"Oh yeah, and earlier before everyone came—"

I blushed. "Oh yeah, sorry about—"

Then she grabbed my cheeks and cheeks and smashed her lips to mine. I was in shock but closed my eyes and placed my hands on her hips kissing her back. When she pulled away I store at her shocked.

"One night only." she whispered before kissing me again.

"Just one night?" I asked. She pecked my lips and smiled.

"One night."


Woah! Yaz kissed Ed! Woah!

Aha. Hey, Jessie here. I updated for Bre. She's gonna be mad but whatever. Bye pumpkins.

Jessie. x

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