23 - The Rejects

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Chapter 23 | The Rejects

—Yazmin's POV—

I sighed yet again. Finally we had landed in New York, but Chad was chatting up the girl in the smoothie shop. Why am I even trying? He doesn't even notice me and we are in the same damn room half of the bloody time!

Calm down Yaz.

No need to be violent. Just breathe. He'll never like me anyway. I need a distraction for today. Its early. Really early, cause we landed at 7 a.m.. Okay. not that early but I don't like mornings. At all. Hmm. . .maybe if I try to talk to him about something he likes. . .

I walked up to the counter and sat in one of the stools. The girl looked at me like I'm rubbish but I ignored her and flipped my brown—almost black—hair over my shoulder like she had done prior to me coming over.

"Oh hey Yazzy." Chad said, his electric blue eyes sparkling.

"Hey Chad. I just wanted to ask if you had seen that footie game Sunday."

"Oh yeah. It was great! Watched it with me dad. Eh, what team wer' ye goin' 'fer." he asked. When did his voice get deeper, when did this room get hotter? When you lied about watching a damn football game.

"MAN all the way." he smiled so I took that as a sign that I was doing good so I smiled back. 

"Whatever. Dublin's gonna kick your —"

Cold, wet, sticky, and strawberries. A God dammed smoothie! This was my favorite jacket! My dad got this for me when him and mum went to Africa last year.

"Woah." Chad said. He didn't even tell the girl off, he just store at me.

I got up and walked away wiping my eyes. I'm so stupid for even attempting to talk to him. He, obviously, is a dickhead. I turned the corner and bumped into someone.

"Woah there—wait, Yaz?" I looked up to Edward and hugged him tightly, sobbing on the part of his t-shirt that was shown under his jacket. "What happened, Love?"

I shook my head, now was not the time. He pulled me away gently before slipping off his jacket. He took mine and gave me his. I put it on and laughed. Its like I'm Stewie wearing Peter's shirt. I watch to much telly.

"There we go." he said wiping my cheeks. "Don't cry unless it—he—is really worth your tears."

I gasped. "How did you know?"

"I saw you a couple times try to talk to him. Be happy I'm the only one who was there." he said winking and nudging me. I rolled my eyes with a smile. You can never stay mad at this kid. "Here, so they don't know you've been cryin'."

He handed me some Raybans and I posed. He laughed and I took his phone out his jacket pocket and unlocked it. I started playing some music, going on twitter and tweeting some responses to tweets while we walked back to the others.

"Yazmin, why are you wearing Edward's jacket?" my mum asked but I pretended to not hear her.

"She spilled a smoothie on hers. Its fine Mace. Imma got get our stuff." he said nudging me.

He walked off and soon came back with a cart holding all of our stuff on it. Chad kept trying to talk to me but I ignored him by starting a conversation with Edward. I texted Kelly off Ed's phone.

Edward : Hey can me and Ed share rooms. Its Yaz by the way? I'm not to keen on being near Chad right now, or ever, for a while

Kelly : Of course. You have to be comfortable for the big performance(s) tomorrow. We will talk about room planning at the hotel.

Harry Styles' Son : Part II ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant