2 - The Girlfriend Threat

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Chapter 2 | The Girlfriend Threat

--Edward's POV--

Its a 10 hour drive to a certified camping site so we're taking the tour bus. Thanks to Kels. Dani and Ed (her fiancé) are here and we just have to to pick up Harlow.

"And turn at the next road, its the 4th house on the right." I said to Niall as he was driving the bus.

"Alri'. We're here." He said.

I jogged off the bus and walked up to the door. I rang the doorbell and stepped back. I feel like this house is familiar. Maybe we just go by it alot. The door opened and I was greeted by Mr. Dews. He smiled stiffly at me and gripped my hand.

"Nice to see you again boy."

"You, too, sir."

He nodded and Harlow came out. She was rolling a blue suitcase and was sporting a high ponytail, some khaki shorts, a Girl Scouts shirt, and some high top white converse. I smiled at her and grabbed her bag for her. Her dad kissed her forehead and looked back at me.

"Protect my little girl." He said.

"Yes sir." I replied.

"By daddy. And don't worry bout me. It'll be Ed that'll need my help." She laughed.

"Hey! I grew up hunting!" I complained.

"You hunt boy?" Mr. Dews asked.

"Yes sir. When I have time."

"You got aim?"

"I'd like to think so." I answered truthfully.

"Alright. Maybe we can go out hunting one day. I got some property we can hunt on."

"I'm looking forward to it."

"We have to go now. Bye daddy." Harlow said kissing her fathers cheek before we walked down the steps.

"You really goin' huntin' with my dad?" Harlow asked as we walked out the gate.

"Yeah. It'll be good bonding time."

"Alright. He's a competitive one." She said.

"So that's where you get it." I joked. She punched my arm and climbed on the bus.

"Sidekick!" Skyler yelled hugging her legs. Harlow laughed and placed Skyler on her hip.

"Superwomen, we meet again." Harlow said.

"Yes. Now we need to investigate." Skyler said.

"It time for you to sleep Skye. Its 8:30." Eleanor said.

"But mummy." She whined, wrapping her arms around Harlow's necklace. "I wanna play with my new friend."

"Skyler Dawn, listen to your mother." Louis said sternly.

"Yes daddy." She said. They she hugged Harlow. "Night, night sidekick."

"Night superhero."

Harlow placed her down and and she walked off. I took the suit cases in the corner with everyone else's and sat down on the couch. Laying my head in Harlow's lap. She tapped my forehead.

"You got a big forehead." She said.

"He gets it from his father." Mom said.

"Its not that big." Harry complained.

"Harry, your forehead is massive." Louis said. We all laughed.

"Its n-"

"It is. We aren't having this discussion again." Louis said while we all laughed.

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