13 - Crazy 4 Blair

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Chapter 13 | Crazy 4 Blair

—Blair's POV—

Earlier, when Edward had a shock spasm, the doctors made us leave. They said he was fine but he just needed to be alone for a while. We were at home. I was in my room in my comfy pj's and a white tank. It was about 11 and my mind kept slipping over to Edward.

He's laying helplessly in a hospital bed because he jumped over and blocked me from the truck. I would've been dead it he hadn't did that. He's in the hospital because of me. I've hurt him so much. I have to see him. I need to.

I slipped on some distressed jeans and my black vans before slipping an Ed Sheeran jumper on over it. I peaked out the room and when the cost was clear, I slipped out and opened the door to Drake's room. I was surprised when I saw Drake and Britney snogging on the bed.

"Wow." I said. I went ahead and locked the room door because I knew he'd forget and get caught. I look out for my annoying brother.

They both jumped apart and I smirked while they both blushed. I grabbed the keys to Drake's Continental and grinned in triumph because I know he'll let me barrow it now. I could blackmail him because he's making out with a girl, on his bed! Dad and mum would loose their shit if they knew.

"Fine." he sighed.

I walked over and kissed his cheek and waved at Brit before climbing out onto his balcony. I jumped over the edge and hang over the edge. After swinging side to side for a bit I let to and fell into a roll. I'm such a fucking ninja!

No. Focus Blair.

I heard the sliding door open so I took off on the side of the house and panted heavily before stopping my self and listing to my parents talking.

"Zayn, its not like I want to do this. I love you, I really do, but its hard when you don't try to care." Mum said sobbing silently.

"Perrie, I do care."

"Zayn, you choke me! You hit me! If you love me, you wouldn't do that!" mum yelled.

"Shut up Perrie before you wake the kids!" dad yelled standing up and towering over mum. "Stop acting like everything is perfect and we live a moden family life because we don't. And we never will! Get that through your head. Things wont always go the way you want!"

"I'm sorry Zayn." mum cried hugging her knees to her chest and crying in them.

He sighed. "Its not you're fault Perrie. Everything is just stressful. I love you so much and I should really tell you more." dad said wiping her tears with his thumb. Mum smiled up and him and they kissed before they cuddled on the hamick.

I tiptoe around the house and ran up to Drake's car that he always parks by the gate incase he sneaked out which he does ever so oftern. I started the ignition and left the door open while I pulled out the yard. Once I got a great distance away, I closed the door and turned up the radio, trying to get my mind off all of that ninja shit I just did.

I pulled up at the hospital and the sliding doors open. They don't allow visiters this late but I was able to get in using the Celebrity Card. Basically, if you're famous, you can do anything. I was escorted to Ed's room and thanked the nurse. She smiled stifly before walking away. I knocked three times before opening the door.

Ed looked up at me and sent me that oh-so-famous Styles smile. My stomach knotted and fluttered with anxiety, anxious to just touch his skin. I closed the door and was about to sit in a chair next to the bed but he moved over and made me sit beside him. And I did.

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