16 - Richard Walker

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Chapter 16 | Richard Walker

—Edward's POV— 

I knew my room was messy, when is it not, but this — its destroyed! Stuff thrown everywhere, the bed flipped over and ripped up, my clothes clipped in two, glass everywhere, it was terrible.

"Who the hell was in my room!?" I yelled, turning to everyone behind me. They all looked at me shocked. I threw my bag down and walked further into my room. I stood in the middle and looked back at everyone else. "Who. Destroyed. My. Room."

My parents came up and looked around shocked. My mom was the first to speak. "Edward, no one came in your room."

"This doesn't happen by itself, mom."

"Dont talk to me like I'm stupid, Edward." she said. I straightened up and said a quick yes ma'am before looking around. There was a note on the bed rail so I stepped over the stuff and read it.

Dear Styles/Jacobs,

I assume you know who I am and who did this. Well, I did. You're dear old father. Richard, remember? Well, it doesn't matter. All I want is you and Monica back. Our little family will live happily at my house in Miami and it'll all be perfect.

What do you say, sport?

(364) 782-2917

Richard Walker

By now my parents were around me, reading the note out loud. My father pulled out his phone and dialed the police station. He walked out the room talking to the officer and I threw the note on the bed.

"This is complete bullshit!" I yelled.

I was pissed. Beyond pissed! That fucker messed with all the shit in my room! Then I realized that the bathroom door was closed. My mom followed my gaze and both of us inched toward the door. She opened it and something in my mind yelled at me to move her. So I did. As soon as she opened to door I pulled her out the way of a knife that was set to launch out the bathroom. We both toppled on the floor; me on my back and her falling on my chest while the knife shot out the window.

"Mom, you okay?!" I asked.

"Yeah. Edward, your hand is bleeding! You must've gotten cut by the glass."

"Yeah, mom. Totally fine. Are you alright though?"

"Yes, Edward. Now up, up. Lets go wrap your hand."

We walked to the bathroom across the hall and I sat on the toilet and she reached under the sink and grabbed the first aid kit. She cleaned my hand and picked the glass out, which was hell, and wrapped it, tightly. We walked back into the room and I slowly walked into the bathroom. Nothing. Until I turned to the mirror. Infront of me, in bold, red words, it said:

UR Next

—Monica's POV—

I felt like I was going to pass out. He's back, and he's coming to kill my son. Then I got an idea.

"Gemma!" I yelled. I snatched Ed's phone out his hand and put in his password before I dialed Gemma.

"Hey Ed. Wassup? Still having girl troubles?" Gemma said. I giggled slightly and Ed blushed. He was right beside me so he could hear what she said.

"No. Monica actually. And I was wondering if you'd like to babysit Edward for me."

"That's your great idea?! And I don't need a babysitter!" Ed said. I ignored him.

"Sure Moni. In in London for a bit. I'm in room 230 at The Cabin. Left turn at Abbey Road." she said.

"Okay. He'll be there soon. Bye."

"Bye, Moni." Gem said, hanging up the phone.

"Mom!" he whined. "I don't need a babysitter! We need to figure out what to do with my room. We have to leave for the VMA's tomorrow." Ed said.

"I know exactly what I'm doing." I said. Harry came back into the room with the laptop opened to the home watch cameras.

"When did we get cameras?" Ed asked.

"'Bout, hmm, 2 weeks ago." Harry answered.

"Oh." Ed said.

On the screen was a video of not just Richard, but also two other men with masks. They used a ladder to climb up onto of the garage roof and to Ed's window, smashing it. They went in and 30 minutes later, then came out. Nothing else happened so Harry shut the tape off and we sat at the table in the dining room, waiting for the poliece to show up. Once they got here I wanted Edward to leave.

"But mom —"

"I don't want to hear it."

"I don't have any clothes at Gemma. Don't expect me to cone back in a floral gown or anything." he said.

"Then go look in your fathers closet and get some jeans and a t-shirt." I said.

"No! Dad wears super skinny jeans!" he yelled as if he was shocked I ever suggested that. The cops chuckle at his reaction. I sighed and looked towards Drake.

"Drake do you mind if —"

"Not at all Moni. I just don't have a key to the house." he said.

"I do." Blair said.

"Where am I gonna go?" Harlow said. "I was supposed to stay here with you lot because my stuff is in the guest room."

"Hmm, go pack an overnight bag and you can head to Gemma's. Blair you're gonna have to ask your parents if you can stay because I don't want Edward driving back this late at night with Richard out there." I said as my organized and worried mummy instincts came in.

"Mum, dad. . ." Blair trailed off after Harlow left the room.

"I don't know Blair. Remember you're still in trouble. Even if Ed is taking up for you." Perrie said.

"Yes ma'am." Blair sighed.

"But, we're gonna let you go." Zayn said. We all looked at him shocked. "You are a young adult and its about time I treat you like one."

"Thank you daddy!" she yelled hugging him tightly. I smiled as Zayn hugged her back and kissed her forehead. Then Perrie, and then Drake.

"Ready everyone?" Ed asked. Then he realized he still had to wait on Harlow so he put the keys back down. Then he kissed Jr's cheek and came over and pecked my cheek aswell. Harlow came out the room so they left.

"Okay, so who exactly are we looking for? The main guy." the cop named Officer Juan asked.

"Richard Walker."


Sorry for not updating in like forever. I could've just updated but I don't know. Band practice was pretty cool the other day though. Like the percussion section. They were AMAZING! Give them a cookie! I'm most likely going to watch SOML by One Direction for the rest of the day so yeah.

Peaceskies ^.^


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