Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

Emily's POV

It's been more than 2 weeks since the trial, since I was in Canada, since I saw Zayn.. Ed started touring England and Ireland as well so I'm all alone most of the times. 

Jacob is also in England, touring once again. This time, he's by himself and no friends can leave him alone in the mall now.. Well, except for me that is!

We've been really close these past few days, he's been there for me. A shoulder to cry on, a friend to talk to. He's... he's there.

I have been communicating with Zoe and the others a lot again, we threw a going-away party for Caspar last week, since he's moving to L.A. I gotta say, I miss that South African weirdo! I really do.

As for Zayn and I, I haven't seen or talked to him directly since then. According to the other boys he's fine and just spending time with his family in Bradford. There's a hole in my heart that can only be filled when he's around. But he's not.

Today, I'm going to Brighton to investigate the house further with Thomas and possibly Jacob.. If he ever wakes up! That boy hates being waken up and there's no way i'm waking him up.

Jacob's staying at Ed's house with us since the hotel where he booked to stay at had a problem with his reservations and they had no rooms left for him. Ed offered him to stay at his place for the remainder of his visit in England, which is really nice and considerate of him to do.

It's about 9am already, and I've been awake for 2 hours now, two more hours before I need to head to Brighton for this private investigation of the burnt house and hopefully find something that can piece a puzzle that can set Marcus free back in the Canadian prison.

I head down to the living room, my phone in my pocket sweater as I turn on the TV to help pass time while I wait for Jacob to wake up.

My phone starts to vibrate and my heart stops in excitement and surprise the second I read the name across my iPhone screen....

Zayn's POV

2 weeks of no communication or whatsoever with Emily. Two weeks I haven't seen the girl I'm insanely crazy about. Two weeks... The longest two weeks of my life, it's like eternity and it's slowly killing me inside.

"Zayn, man. Just man up and go back to London." Louis frowns at me as he throws me a sleeping bag.

"I can't, I promised to give her the time and space she needs." I sigh as unfold the sleeping bed and set it down across the floor.

"You can't hide forever." Harry points out as he helps me straighten the sleeping bag on the floor.

"I don't like lying to her, I always tell you're doing fine with your family when... When you're the complete opposite." Liam speaks up as he looks at me with concern.

I look like hell.  I haven't shaved since, barely slept and barely ate anything. I need her. Literally.

Emily SheeranМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя