CHAPTER XIII: The Jajang Connection

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The chime softly sung its classic melody as the door of the café opened, signaling the arrival of a customer. Anne looked towards the source of the sound and found a drenched Park Ji Soo standing there, greatly disheveled but beaming brightly at her. She immediately stood up, surprised at the sight in front of her.

"You are soaked!" Anne exclaimed.

Park Ji Soo gave her a boyish grin, "I know... but that's not important," he walked towards a chair across her and sat down.

"Wait here." Anne went to the café counter and asked the barista for a towel. Luckily, the barista had a clean one in his locker.

"Here." Anne handed Park Ji Soo the towel to dry himself.

He was pleased.

"I found a lodging place nearby. It's not much, but it can get us through the night. I was hoping to use the company rest house but it's too far from here, so I just decided to rent." He smiled at her, feeling accomplished. "And this..." he brings up a plastic of groceries. "I'm not sure what you'd like so I bought some biscuits and bread. I was hoping to find a restaurant to eat dinner but everything is closed, maybe because of the rain. I'll have to ask the innkeeper later to order food for us, I'm sure he'll know a good place." He beamed brightly.

Anne was moved. There she sat inside the small café, embracing the experience of something that is so much like a scene out of a Korean drama... clichéd as it may be.

Missing a ride back home, a guy runs through the rain, coming back with food for the girl he loved. He would smile, caring less about how drenched he was, happy that the subject of his affection is provided for. He would get sick afterwards, and all through the night, the woman who loved him just as much as he did her would take care of him, and in the morning, he will be well. And the woman, though lacking rest or sleep will beam brightly at him... pleased that her efforts are not for naught. Happiness will be apparent in the lovers' eyes. And then...

"Are you alright?" Park Ji Soo asked Anne.

She coughed. She realized she had been staring at Park Ji Soo's lips. She looked away. "Ah, yes. I'm just trying to remember what food is good at Jeju. I think I read something about it somewhere before."

Park Ji Soo chuckled. "I'll make sure the innkeeper gets us a good one. I'll order us some drinks here and then... I hope it's alright if you wait for it? I'll bring the car and wait outside?"

"Ah, sure. No problem." She smiled.

Park Ji Soo ordered two large cups of hot chocolate. After collecting the change, he winked at Anne before leaving the premises.

Anne's heart leaped. She struck her chest with her fist, thinking she was having a palpitation. Or is it?

"Be still. It's just hot chocolate." She muttered to herself. Looking outside, she watched as the raindrops hit the pavement, which echoed the loud thumping of her heart.


"Yoboseyo?" Park Ji Ho answered a call from an unknown number. He heard the person on the other line gasping.

"Yoboseyo?" Park Ji Ho repeated.

"Uh, y-yoboseyo." The caller finally replied. "I was just checking if the number is working. It's Lee Sarang. The one from the police station earlier."

"Ah. Lee Sarang-shi." Park Ji Ho replied in recognition. Song Hyun Joong who was sitting next to him at the Black Diamond Lodge's living room looked at his friend, alertness greatly apparent on his face.

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