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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Pulse Monitor. Why can't I see? I'm on duty right now. But why does it seem like I'm lying down? Did I fall asleep? Am I dreaming right now? Oh God, I have to wake up, the Supervisor might find me.

Anne slowly opened her eyes and found herself looking at a white ceiling with a fluorescent light.

"Shoot! I can't believe I fell asleep while on duty!" she immediately stood up from the bed. Her heart was thumping strongly inside her chest, afraid of the possibility that a patient had died while she was sleeping.

"Wait... so we have 10 cubicles and 10 intensive care patients are in. Why am I sleeping on one of the b... Ooohh mmmy God.... Someone died!!!"

Anne went on panic mode. She slipped her feet inside her shoes and flung open the cubicle curtain, only to find herself in an unfamiliar Emergency Room.

"What's happening... where am I?"

"You're awake!" she heard a man's voice behind her. She turned around and saw a tall, well-built man with handsome features.

The man smiled at her and handed her a cup of hot chocolate, "I'm not sure what you'd like so I just got you everyone's favorite. Chocolate."

Anne looked at the handsome man suspiciously. Just because he's handsome doesn't mean she should trust him.

The man laughed at the palpable suspicion Anne had on her face, "You don't remember me, do you?"

Anne shook her head.

"My name is Park Ji Soo. We met several hours earlier, I almost hit you."

Anne was baffled. "Why would you hit me!?!" she stepped back instinctively.

Park Ji Soo laughed, showing a set of perfect pearly whites. "I meant with my car. I was driving and you suddenly crossed the freeway."

Anne stared into nothingness. She was trying to recall the events from earlier, to no avail. "So where am I?"

"In a hospital. In Seoul."

"Seoul?" Anne asked. "You mean Korea?!" she asked him with wide eyes.

Park Ji Soo looked at her in a funny way, "I... Are you alright?"


"It seems like she's missing the memory of the past several days, up until before she lost consciousness earlier," the consultant informs Park Ji Soo.

"Is it serious?" Park Ji Soo asked.

The doctor sighs. "I can't tell you for sure since we have no idea about what happened to her that caused her to lose some of her memories. However, if we don't take that into consideration and looking at it at another perspective, the fact that she remembers most of her past is good, a few days really wouldn't be as bad as losing majority of your memories."

Park Ji Soo lets out a sigh of relief.

"Do you have any other questions?" the doctor asked.

Park Ji Soo looked at Anne who shook her head to say no.

"Very well. It's possible that the memory loss is only temporary, so if you would keep on doing what you usually do or go to places you usually go, it might help you remember your lost memories faster, although I can't guarantee that. Overall, you'll be alright, regardless of whether you end up regaining the memories of the past few days or not."

Doctor Sunflower #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now