CHAPTER VIII.01 - Anne's Dream

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A whimsical music played as Anne walked through the backstage of the drama set. She looked at every room, and every single set amazed her. "Annyeonghaseyo!" she greeted the people she passed by, who smiled at her and greeted her back.

She loved the set. A place where everything is a stone throw away from each other. Where an elegant home is a plywood away from a rundown café or a shanty, where a young maiden's room is a woodwork away from that of her lover's, even though the storyline suggests that they live hours away from one another. Where a high ranking official's office is free of security. Where you can go through his desk and sit on his chair without any risk of getting dragged to jail. A drama set is now her favorite place in the world. It is Utopia.

After walking around for a while, she grew tired and decided to take a seat. A sudden flash of light caught her attention. She looked towards the source and saw a room draped with a curtain several meters away from her.

The light coming from the room was so bright that it was almost blinding. It was unusual but she found herself attracted to it. She walked towards the room, getting more curious at every step she took towards it.

"Curiouser and curiouser," Anne said to herself, giggling-- channeling her inner Alice in Wonderland.

She flung the curtain open and saw Kim Min Soo standing there, looking stylish and dashing in a tuxedo.

"Wow! You look great!" Anne tells him, nodding her approval. She looked at him from head to toe, his shoes catching her attention. "That..." she deeply sighed as she admired the details of his footwear, it is of the like she had never seen before. She grins widely to show him how much she loved it, "looks fantastic!" She gave him a thumbs up and decided to leave to see more of the set at the drama shoot.

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