CHAPTER IV: On Location

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The International Medical Student Convention's opening ceremony didn't take that much time, and as soon as the master of ceremonies announced the official opening of the event, everyone was allowed to go as they pleased. They have the rest of the afternoon to spend the way they wish, and the next day will mark the commencement of the regular sessions.

Sarang and Anne walked out of the convention center just two hours after they came in, carrying a bagful of freebies.

"I'll go to the Philippine Embassy to drop this passport off myself," Sarang tells Anne.

"Let's go together then..." Anne tells her.

"Aniya... I mean, no... you don't have to come, I will only take a moment... just enjoy yourself, okay?"

Anne is hesitant to go off by herself while Sarang takes care of the problem she created.

"Look Anne, I promised to take care of this for you earlier so don't worry about it. Cheer up!" she smiles. Her forehead then creased as if trying to remember something, "Oh yes, I read something online about a drama shoot happening near our hotel somewhere. I'm not sure where it is exactly but it is very near... try walking around the vicinity, I'm sure you'll end up finding it. They sometimes do fan days where they pick a fan from the audience and give them the celebrity treatment... that person gets the front row seat to watch the shoot." She holds Anne's hand and with wide eyes she tells her, "who knows, you might even get to wear really nice clothes!!!" she squeals, jumping up and down in excitement.

"The early bird gets the worm just as the early fan gets the role. I'll pass by the hotel to drop our freebies off before going to the embassy. Give me yours," Sarang takes Anne's bag of freebies away from her. "But take your doctor's coat so that you can use it in case it gets cold. The quality of the free coats they gave us this year are really good." Sarang hands Anne's coat back to her. "I'll come find you as soon as I get back." Sarang walks away towards the hotel.

Anne stood at the sidewalk astonished. What a character Sarang is! She has never met anyone like her before. She couldn't even put a word in once the woman starts talking... and what a big difference an age gap makes!

"Sarangie unni!" she called out.

Sarang looks back at her smiling, "What?"

"What if I was older?" Anne asked in a loud voice.

"I would still take care of you, as your dongsaeng!" Sarang replied smiling, walking further away... waving goodbye.


Anne walked around Seoul as Sarang suggested, not to search for the shoot, but to see what the city has to offer.

At some areas there are stalls that sell food, the same kind you see in Korean dramas on TV. There are those who sell those cylindrical rice cakes in red sauce called tteoboki, and those who sell those long flat fish cakes in sticks. She took note of their locations, telling herself to invite Sarang there later to eat.

As she walked by, a smell caught her attention. Trying to find the source of the scent, she looked around, and found a stall selling those fish-shaped red bean-filled pancakes called bungeoppang.

She couldn't fight the urge to walk towards the store. The Korean owner talked to her in his local dialect, which she couldn't comprehend—so she bowed to him, apologized in English, and showed him her fingers to tell him how many she was willing to buy, pointing to the fish shaped pancakes in his stall.

Doctor Sunflower #Wattys2017Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz