The Angel's Kiss

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Logan pulled and adjusted his collar and cuffs again, still insisting that his suit wasn't tailored properly. Leon sighed and handed him his tie.

"No tie."

He frowned, "It's a ball Logan, you have to wear a tie."

"Annalise said I don't." he said with a smirk, leaving his top button open and putting on his black silk vest with a thin silver paisley design over it, finishing it off with his black coat tail jacket. He straightened his sleeves and adjusted himself again, making sure that their family crest was shown perfectly on his back.

Leon shook his head and smiled, "You don't realise how big this night is, do you?"

"I would if you and mom actually explained what it's really about." he muttered irritably.

"What ever happens next is up to you and Annalise. Telling you about it will only ruin the surprise." he said with a wink and left the room.

Cameron walked in then with Jace behind him, both of them wearing matching tuxedos with the Royal Army's red and silver pins on their black silk lapels.


"Yeah." he mumbled, suddenly unsure of himself.

Cam frowned, "What is it?"

Logan had never felt like this before. Yes, he had discovered many new feelings and intense emotions since he had met Annalise, but this was different, he was almost anxious about tonight now. He shook himself out of his thoughts, "It's nothing."

Cam smiled and shared a knowing look with Jace before they both shook their heads and turned to him, "Let's go then."

An hour later and he was even more agitated, having to force smiles at all their guests and pretend that he didn't want nothing more than to go and find Annalise and spend the night alone with her instead. Every now and then he would look at his watch, trying to figure out how much longer he would be waiting for his Princess, while Leon and Celinia avoided all questions he had concerning her.

Finally being left alone for a moment by everyone, other than Jace and Cam who constantly followed two steps behind him, Logan stopped and picked up his drink. Cam came to stand in front of him while Jace held him against his side, ignoring the fact that all members of The Council could see them.

"What's up with you tonight?" Cam said with a frown.

Logan shook his head, "I don't know. I just want to get this over with."

He laughed then, "Who are you kidding? You don't care what happens with the ball, you just want Anna here."

He glared slightly, "Exactly. I've barely had a chance to speak to her since this all started." he said, gesturing to the ball continuing around them. He stopped for a moment, hearing the opening chords of Anna's favourite love song begin to play.

Cam grinned, "No.. You just haven't told her how you really feel about her."

Logan ignored his comment and finished off his drink instead, causing Cam to laugh and shake his head at him again.

"Come on Lo, you have to.. tell.." he trailed off looking behind him as the room fell silent and the song continued. Everyone around them slowly turned to the staircase leading into the ballroom.

"..Her." Cam finished on a whisper as Logan finally turned around.

His heart leapt at finally seeing his Princess tonight. He watched along with everyone else as she slowly descended the wide staircase. Annalise had refused the pink and glitter, and instead chose to wear a strapless, long flowing red silk dress with a sweetheart neckline and matching red short heels. Her entire dress was covered in a black lace pattern with a sparkling silver trim.

Her onyx necklace was adjusted to suit the dress along with the rest of her black and silver accessories, and her long curly hair had been perfectly pinned up to show off her look.

Everyone parted out of his way as Logan walked towards her, holding out his hand for her to take once she reached the bottom of the stairs.

Anna gently placed her hand in his and let him lead her to the center of the crowed room. He was almost too awe struck to speak as he gazed down at her and placed his hand on her waist before guiding her into a slow waltz. He held her closer and pressed his lips against her temple.

She smiled nervously, "Everyone's staring at us.."

He laughed slightly, "No amare, it's you they're falling for.."

"How do you know?" she said smiling up at him as they picked up their pace.

"Because I already have." he whispered against her ear.

Her breath caught while they stepped away from each other before he pulled her back to him and they continued to glide across the dance floor.

He brushed his lips against hers and held her gaze as he smiled.

"Ancilla Mea.. I love you."

Anna was both stunned and ecstatic at his words. The bridge of the song started and he sped up before spinning her under his arm, making her dress twirl around her. Something clicked inside her then, like a switch being turned on for the first time.

She quickly moved back into his arms and kissed him.

The moment their lips met, a bright golden light shot out between them, making everyone gasp and shield their eyes. The light grew, and suddenly the pure essence of a pair of sparkling angel wings shot out from her back, and both Anna and Logan were lifted into the air by the magic that twirled around them.

Celinia gazed across the room and lifted her glass to Hale, who did the same and smiled, knowing that the true vision she had sent him was finally fulfilled.

Their kiss never broke as they slowly turned in mid air. Logan's horns grew out of his temples and turned pure white with solid gold tips instead of silver. Anna's red dress also became white with a gold and silver lace trim instead.

The image of her wings faded as it's magic dissipated into thin air while the song ended and they slowly descended back down in each others arms. They broke apart with smiles plastered on their faces.

Logan's silver eyes now held flecks of white while Anna's brown eyes were now rimmed with a sparkling gold colour on both the in and outline of her irises, with the same striking colour now streaked through her hair. Even their onyx necklaces now had gold lines running over the stones.

Leon stood up on stage in front of everyone with a wide smile and lifted his glass.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, Prince Logan, and Princess Annalise."

Everyone cheered and applauded around them while Anna and Logan couldn't take their eyes off each other. Her Guardian stood behind the crowd with a proud look on his hidden face, happy to see that his work was finally done.

She smiled and softly kissed him again, "I love you too."

Annalise had just become the first Earth Bound Angel.

The Angel had finally found her True Match, with the Demon who had finally found His Heart.

The End

Book Two:
The Immortals Revenge

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