Losing Her

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"Y-you did this, you sent me here!" Anna yelled out as her eyes filled with tears. "Take me back! Let me help them, please!"

The woman chuckled, "And how would you do that, dear? I clearly remember telling you that it was not a fight you could win, nor one you were ever meant to." she said softly taking slow graceful steps towards Anna. "Although you must know that already. That arrogant fool they call their 'Prince' loves to boast about all of his horrid and vile achievements. Especially the one involving what happened to your precious family. Why, according to him that was his greatest moment in life, not even his pathetic father had enough power to pull that one off." the woman said with a sly grin.

Anna frowned, "W-what are you talking about? Tell me who you are! Tell me why I'm here!" she yelled out in anger more than anything else.

Once again the woman with the silver eyes simply laughed at her. "Oh you'll find out soon enough dear. I must leave now, but I will tell you this. Your purpose here goes far beyond anything they will ever lead you to believe, do not trust them. I promised that I did not mean to harm you, listen to me and I will not need to break that promise." she said with hard look.

Anna's frown only deepened, "I-I don't understand, I don't belong here! Please just send me back!!" she yelled, her voice softly echoing through the clearing.

Before Anna could say anything else, the woman was gone. She frantically looked around only to see that the mist had drifted away and the clearing was empty.

She didn't know what any of this meant, all she wanted was her family back. No mysterious woman, no demons or shifters or whatever the fuck else there was for her to deal with. None of it. She didn't even care if she never saw her family again, all she wanted was for them to be okay.

Dropping to her knees, Anna let out all her anger and frustration on a cry so loud it burned her lungs as the scream tore out of her throat.


She heard her name shouted out as the sound of feet beating the ground closed in around her. Logan was the first to come into view. He immediately ran to her and lifted her into his arms as she cried with her face buried against his shoulder.

"Shh amare, I'm here. You're okay now." he whispered, his body still shaking from all the emotions that ran through him when he realised she was gone.

Next she saw Cam and two other men she had never seen before. "Oh thank fuck," Cam sighed out as he saw that Logan had finally found her. "Jack, tell the others she's been found and to return to their posts. Royce, let Gale know she's okay before we are all poisoned for this." Both men nodded and left without a word. Cam turned to them, "I'll meet you back at the castle." Logan simply nodded as he rocked her gently in his arms.

Logan stood silently in the clearing and waited for her sobs to quiet down before he walked back to the castle with her.

Once they were back at the castle, Logan sat down in the living room with Anna still in his arms. He gently pulled away and wiped his thumb under her eyes, "Better now amare?" Anna nodded, "I think so, h-how did that happen?" she asked still unsure of her encounter with the woman.

He frowned, "I'm not even sure what happened entirely, you were gone for so long amare, we were worried something had happened to you when we couldn't find you. I tried to sense you in the forest but felt nothing."

Cameron walked in with water and his medical kit for her. Anna shook her head, "I'm fine Cam, really. Just so tired of all of this.." she trailed off.

"At least have some water sweet," he said softly, handing her the glass. Logan rubbed circles on her back in comfort. Anna frowned, "How long was I gone then? I remember leaving the castle barely two hours ago." Cam and Logan glanced at each other before turning back to her.
"Sweetheart, you've been gone the entire day. We assumed you were resting in your room but when Logan went to check on you for lunch you were gone. We searched everywhere and found nothing. The clearing we found you in had just been searched and you weren't there."

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